The Call

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~~~~~~~~~ Nightmare ~~~~~~~~~~

"God I Hate You!!! I wish you never were my sister. I wish you died like mom and dad. You mean nothing to me, you back-stabbing bitch!!! "

"Jessica!!!! Please stop for a moment. Jessica!! Jessica, wait look out!!!" I screamed hoping my sister would hear me. But It was to late.

The car hit my sister and then crashed into a tree, and exploded. But it doesn't stop there I searched for my sisters body, but never found it.

~~~~~~~ End Of Nightmare ~~~~~~~

I woke up flinging my hands to my chest to calm my breathing. Jesus. I hate that dream its so painful. Its by far the worst memory I have. It never stops it comes every night like a picture etched into my brain. I looked and noticed my boyfriend is not in bed. I felt a liquidity substance forming in the back of my throat.

I got up from my king sized bed and ran to the restroom to empty last nights contents into the toilet bowl. I was about to go back to bed, until my front door opened up, I walked down the hallway and saw that my boyfriend, Minho, had come in.

" Hey, where were you, you weren't in bed when I got up." I said casually.

" I went to the coffe shop for breakfast, and shouldn't you be in bed it's still to early for work." he asked worried, and setting down a white paper bag and two cups of, what I assume is, hot chocolate on the dinning table.

" Well, I was, until the nightmare I had made me go empty my stomach into the toilet." I told him pointing at the bathroom.

" Again with the nightmares. I thought they stopped. Is this the same one, the one about your sister" Minho asked hesitant while embracing me into his arms and giving me a kiss on my forhead.

" Yeah, and I thought they did to. But no worries they'll go away." I said trying to change the topic.

" I hope so, anyways lets go back to bed, we still have a few more hours before work." he said while yawning

" But I'm not tired anymore." I told him not wanting to go to back to bed, just because of the upcoming nightmare I knew I would have.

" We can always snuggle and just relax." he said giving me a pleading look

" Okay, come on." I said, I grabbed his hands and walked to our bed room.

He layed down on the bed, while I went to brush my teeth. I walked out of the restroom, and saw Minho with his arms open, telling me to go lay with him. I obliged, and snuggled into his chest like a missing puzzle piece. Then all of a sudden his phone rang. He put it on speaker, since he's also my partner at work.

" Hello?" he answered.

" Hey, its Hyun Joong we have a case. Meet us at 8814 Ipswich st." he said then hung up.

" Well, there goes our relaxing and peaceful state." I told Minho.

"Yup, well lets go partner. We have work." Minho said while pulling me off the bed and into our enormous closet.

About five minutes later I was dressed in my favorite black thermal and gray cardigan, along with black slacks, and boots. My cross that Minho got me for out anniversary hanging around my neck, and my badge on the side of my hip, along with my gun adjacent from it. Plus my black long hair tied half way up.

Minho was wearing his black thermal that showed off his bulky figure, a white cardigan, and black jeans along with his black boots. His dark brown hair that reaches to his eyebrows was neatly brushed, and he had on my favorite smelling Cologne. His badge on his the right side of his hip, adjacent to his gun.

He felt my eyes on him, looking him up and down. He turned his head to look at me and smiled.

" Like what you see?" he asked teasingly.

"Lots" I said and bit my bottom lip.

" Well, you know when we come back home, we can easily fix that." he told me while pulling me towards him to the point where my lower body was touching him. And my hands were placed neatly on his chest.

" I would love that, but right now babe, we gotta go." I said as he looked at his watch and then released me with a groan. I got my wallet and keys and grabbed my jacket along with Minhos and we were out the door. We where in the car and out of the drive way in a matter of seconds.

Minho was driving to the crime scene while eating a bagel. I hadn't even noticed he got the hot chocolate drinks and our food.

" Really babe, your eating food on our way to the crime scene." I asked amused.

" Yeah, it's delicious wants some?" he asked with his mouth full.

" No, thank you" I answered back, not in the mood for food.

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