Go Team!

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Quarterback Finn Hudson was in McKinley High's boys locker room staring into his locker awaiting until Coach Ken comes and tells him its game time. He hears the locker door swing open and quickly grabs his helmet, thinking it was Coach. That was until he heard a female voice. It was his girlfriend, Quinn Fabray. She had on her Cheerios! uniform with a red sparkling headband with the words MCKINLEY stretched across it. "Hey babe, just came to tell you good luck." She kissed him and walked back to the door, smiled and winked. Finn replied with a goofy smile, and she continued out the door. Thats when Finn knew: he loved Quinn, she loved him and no one is getting in the way of that.
Finn checked out his opponing team, realizing their Wide-Receiver was huge: no way anyone could take him down. Coach Ken made his way to the middle of the field where the team was huddled, "This team is good, so we gotta be great. I'm not letting these stuck up asses win. Lets go!" Ken stated as he walked to the sidelines. Everyone felt what coach said, they agreed more than anything. There was silence, that was until Finn broke it. "You heard Coach, this school has beat us in the past, thats not happening this time-" Finn was cut off by his bestfriend Noah Puckerman, also referred to as Puck, "Finn is 100% correct. There is no way we are letting these morons come in and take our shit. This is our terf, not theirs." Everyone was stunned: Puck was actually saying something smart and useful. And for the first time like forever, he was right. "LETS GO MCKINLEY" the whole crowd shouted. The team knew what they had to do, they needed to win. Time passed, there was 1 minute and 3 seconds left in Quarter 4. The score was 34-27. McKinley was slamming Wellington. Finn kept looking over to the Cheerios! to see his gorgeous girlfriend smiling and cheering him on like no other: her and her smile made him know he could push through and win. The clock know had 26 seconds left and the score was now 34-29 and if Wellington made ONE more touchdown, they won. And that cant happen. Finn called it and he threw the ball to Puck, Puck threw it to Sam, Sam threw it to Mike, and Mike threw it to Finn who ran half the field and scored a touchdown. McKinley won, and that was all because of Finn! They were going to State! In the cloud of Finn's thoughts and victory, he notices a blonde girl running towards him..... Quinn. She leaps into his arms as he twirls her around and connects their lips for a soft, loving kiss. They break apart, smile at eachother and go into a tight bear hug. "I'm so proud of you, Finn." Finn feels good inside, like he finally did soemthing right for a change. "Thanks, Q. I love you so much." Before Quinn could reply he pulled her in for another kiss. Everyone was still on the field and in the stands jumping up and down and cheering with excitement. The couple broke away from their kiss and heard people screaming Finn's name everywhere. "Listen, you go and talk to all your new fans, and meet me by the Cheerios! bus in 30 minutes,
before I leave for camp." She said with a sympathetic smile, Finn replied with, "Okay, I guess ill see you then," he was starting to get pulled into a crowd of people and they were drifting apart. "I love you!" he continued. "I love you, too." Quinn whispered. It wasn't like he could hear her if she talked louder, he was knee deep in jocks out there. Quinn decided to go by the bus to see if Sue needed anything, and to her suprise, she didnt. "Hey Q, do you want a shake?" Sue said with a smile. Quinn couldnt say no, the shakes were delicious and made you skinnier. Talk about a double wammy. Quinn replied, "Of course!" Coach Sue was basically Quinn's second mother, she was always there for her and always could say the funniest things to brighten up her day. Sue really cared about Quinn, if she ever needed any help with anything, Sue would be there for her. Quinn went to Sue's house 2-3 times a week for dinner, and she always helped Sue with the Cheerios! choreography, perks of being Cheer Captain, I guess. Sue broke the silence by saying, "Look, Q, we dont leave for like 20 more minutes, so you, San, and Britt go wait on the field, and here, bring them shakes." Quinn smiled and obeyed. "You got it Coach Sylvester." And skipped off. She saw out of the corner of her eye that Santana and Britt were straight ahead, so Quinn ran up to them and said, "Hey San and Britt, Coach Sue said to go wait on the bleachers until call time. Oh and hey, she got us shakes." Santana and Brittany both smiled, they loved the shakes, too. "Well, what are we waiting here for?" Santana replied. And they dashed off and sat on the highest row of bleachers. They all looked down to see alot of people still on the field. Santana spotted her boyfriend, Noah Puckerman and blew him a kiss. "He is sooo hot." Santana said in her head, although she actually said it outloud as well. "Well my Artie is the cutest!" Brittany replied with a wave to Artie. Santana didn't hear anything from Quinn so decided to see if she was actually still here, she turned to the side of her to see a sad looking Quinn who was staring down at the field. Santana tried to match where she was looking and then it hit her. Oh........ Rachel was jumping into Finn's arms, it didn't look like Finn was embracing it, but what we he supposed to do? Drop her? He couldn't do that. "I'm about to go all Lima Heights on that little bitch of a dwarfs ass." Santana snarked. Quinn almost had tears in her eyes, Santana and Britt tried to comfort her and wrapped their arms around her. "What if he cheats on me with her? Well, I know Finn would never do that to me, but, her. She is so manipulative and Finn is so... Lost, she could easily trick or manipulate him to having a make out session with her." Quinn said as she dropped her head, and wiped a tear that dribbled down her face. "Quinn, dont think like that. Besides, you are way hotter than Rachel, yeah, she may be like in love with him or some nonsense, but thats a fantasy. Finn loves you. And only you. Look, he doesnt even want to talk to her right now, he's looking around as bored as hell as she is screeching in his ear. I actually feel bad for him having to listen to that annoying little dwarf." Brittany stated, saying something smart for once. "Yeah, Brittany is right." Santana said but Quinn still seemed upset, and Santana can't let her mope like this, its to hard to watch. So Santana came up with a plan, "Okay Quinn listen, I have a plan. While you and Finn say your goodbyes before getting on the bus, I will grab his phone and install an app that you can see every text he exchanges with anyone. In the meantime, you will be saying your good byes and kisses while Brittany gets a seat on the bus." Quinns eyes were wide open. "San, thats a great plan, I'm glad to have you two as my besties." Quinn said with no more tears in her eyes and they pulled themselves into a tight hug until they heard Coach Sue say through her megaphone: "ALL THE CHEERIOS! COME TO THE BUS. WE ARE READY FOR DEPARTURE. PICK IT UP. LETS GO. CHOP CHOP. " All 3 bestfriends laughed, and all said in unison, "We better go." And laughed some more. The unholy trinity made it to the bus to see Finn waiting at the far end. That was the cue. It was game time. Quinn ran up and leaped into his arms, he laughed and gave her a passionate kiss. "I'm going to miss you so much, Fabray," Quinn smiled and stared at her feet, then looked up to realize Santana already had Finn's phone. Wow, she was good. "I know its only 3 days but thats three days without my favorite person ever." Finn continued. Quinn blushed pretty hard and Finn pulled her in for another kiss, then leading to a long, sweet hug. That was until Sue screamed again, "COME ON, FATTIES. WE ARE LEAVING." Quinn and Finn both gave eachother sad looks, "Good bye Finn, I love you." She said walking to the door of the bus, "I love you too." Finn said giving his famous Finn smile. "Hey Tripple Nipple, you dropped your phone. Pay more attention." Santana snarked while pointing to Finn's phone that she placed on the ground. "Oh, thanks, i guess." Finn replied still wondering how Santana came up with all these nicknames for him. Santana hopped on the bus and walked to the middle where Britt and Quinn were already seated. Their plan had worked. The bus began to move and Finn waved good bye, along with Puck and Artie. And Quinn happened to notice a very short brunette standing by the bleachers.... It was Rachel.

"What the hell was Rachel standing there for?" Quinn asked worried. "I don't know, Q, but if there is any funny business going on, we will get the notification." Santana replied. Quinn looked around and giggled a little. "You're right. I'm going to take a nap."
They had one day left of camp and they hadn't recieved any messages from Rachel from Finn's phone, only from Puck and Mike: Finn's best friends. Quinn, Santana, and Britt were all sitting on their beds in their cabin, ready for bed, until they heard a ding, it was a notification. They just assumed it was from Puck or Mike but no...... it was Rachel. "Omg, Quinn you have to read it!!" Quinn felt sick. "Give me 5 minutes..." Quinn went to the restroom and returned 5 minutes after looking more upset than before. She returned and there were now more messages than before: all from Rachel. Quinn had no choice but to read them, her worst nightmare came true.
Hey Finn, a little birdie told me the slut you call your girlfriend is out of town with the bitches. Wanna come over and have some fun? ;) -Rachel. Oh and ps, im not wearing a bra.

Quinn gasped, she knew that dwarf was a bitch, but didnt know she would attempt to snatch her boyfriend. Santana and Britt were speechless. They didnt know what to say. Quinn kept scrolling.
Rachel, what the hell? Quinn is my girlfriend, and i love her. I'm not going to leave her just because you ask me too. And maybe you should find a bra and put it on because no one wants to see that. -Finn

But Finny, she doesnt deserve you. I do. We deserve eachother! I will not stop until we are in love!! -Rachel

Whatever you say. -Finn

Quinn felt happy that Finn stood up for her. She knew he loved her and had nothing to worry about. All she needed to do was get rid of that little pest. But oh boy, did Quinn have news for everyone when she got back.

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