"Row One Please!" - Imagine One

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"MUMMY DADDA" I hear a voice screach from the other side of the house and I sigh and peel myself off my perfect husband, who is the one and only Harry Styles.

He kisses my forehead softly and helps me get up, taking my right hand, while my left lays softly on my huge pregnant stomach.

As he leads me down the hall to our child I look at the pictures down the hall.

The ones of when we met, Our first date, tours from One Direction, Our Wedding and the birth of our lovely daughter, Darcy.

We reach the room and find our silly 4 year old up and sitting in the middle of her bed.

"You silly mushroom, get into bed!" Harry says in his baby voice and tickles the girl silly.

"Stop... Daddy" She squels in between laughs and I massage my head from the headache pain.

They play fight with eachother for a while before Darcy finally hops into bed.

"Tell me a story mummy" Darcy pleads and I smile thinking of a fairy tale.

"One apon a time-" I start to say but get cut off by a unhappy looking Darcy.

"Heard it, another one"

"But you don't what I was going to say!"

"Don't care, tell me how you and daddy met!" She say commandingly and I smile at Harry. She must get it off me.

"Well.." I start "It's A long story, so snuggle up!"

*The night Harry and Angela met*

".. and all Your little things" The boys finish singing and their eyes scan the screaming crowd. I scream louder and stand on my tippy toes in hope they might see me.

I was lucky enough to win seats in the front row and I was praying and hoping tonight would be the night one of them made eye contact with me.

"HARRY" I hear my voice roar and to my surprise Harry snaps his head in my direction.

"please please please let him notice me please please please" I chant over and over again crossing my fingers even tighter. His eyes scan my section and near closer and closer to me-

"Harry, would you like to tell the audience what we're going to do now?" Louis says excitedly and Harry's face leaves my section.

REALLY LOUIS? great timing -.-

"Sure lou, I'm going to pick one lucky girl from the audience to come up here and let me sing to her" Harry lures and the crowd goes WILD!

"Pick when you're ready Hazza" Liam says smiling at us all.

Harry winks quickly before stepping onto a platform I hadn't seen before.

"I'm going to type a random seat number in and this 'thing' will take me to it, how does that sound?" Harry shouts across the arena and I scream out


He turns his head to the side looking straight at me and I gasp holding my sides. How did he hear me over all this noise?

"Row One it is" Harry speaks whilst typing some numbers into the thingy and i feel myself flush a deeper shade of red.

The platform wizzes off towards me and just when I think it's going to hit me, it stops. Next to me.

Harry picked the girl next to me.


"How are you, and what is your name, love?" Harry Beams at the girl and she frowns as he passes her a mic. She's gorgeous! She has very long brown hair with Emerald eyes and a perfect smile. Although, she looks snobby and rich, I mean how else could you afford front row seats?

"My name's Alyssa and Um, could Zayn sing to me? I only like Zayn" She says in her bratty american accent. Harry looks taken aback but just laughs, snatching the microphone back off her.

"Lets try that again" He says turning to me "What's your na- By god you're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen"

Harry blushes handing me the mic and I'm starstruck. My celeb crush is right in front of me saying I'm the most beautiful girl in the world.

Life doesn't get much better than this!

"My names Angela, like Alyssa only better" I manage to choke out with sass and Harry chuckles.

"I agree, It's a lovely name. Just step onto the platform Angela and I'll sing a song to you, hope you aren't afraid of heights" Harry winks and I step up taking his hand.

Just at that simple touch I feel Electric sparks run up my arm and I shiver. Harry must feel it too because he stares into my eyes - reading my soul. And I get lost in his green orbs.

*Back to present time*

"The End" I look over at Darcy and find her fast asleep and Harry trying his best to stay awake.

"Harry Darling" I wisper and nudge his shoulder.

He moans but gets up and walks out the door towards the lounge.

I pull the blankets up on Darcy and kiss her forehead before wondering back down the hallway to do some more cuddling with the love of my life.


Wohoo! end of Imagine One!

This goes out to my bestie westie kestie, Angela! love ya babes xo

Thanks if you read this, and if you want one too then just go back to the first page and fill out the sheet into the comments or kik me - I might change my system to wofoo when I can be stuffed tho hahahaha


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