My crush of 5 years - Imagine Two

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Just the usual, Vote and ummmm... COMMENT! and maybe fan me? cause that shiz is cool xx


"Welcome to Starbucks, may I take your order?" I say looking up and finding the hottest boy In school looking at me. The one I've had a crush on for 5 years.

"Hey Darsh! Could I please have a Tall, White chocolate, Frappe?" He says winking at me.

"You sure can Mr. Styles" I say winking back. God I have some guts.

He hands over $20 and I get out his change, extending my hand to give it to him.

"No, no, keep the change Love." He says backing away with his hands up.

"I can't Harry! Just take it!" I says smiling at the game he's playing,

"Under One condition"

"Arg what is it?" I say groaning, although I really don't give a fuck whatever he is about to say. I just love watching his mouth move.

"You take me out for a drink after your shift" He does the puppy dog eyes and the next person in line fake coughs, waiting for their turn.

"Fine, my shift ends in ten anyway" I sigh happily, pulling my long dark hair out of my face and pocketing the tip.

"Next please"


I wrap my cardigan tighter around my shoulders and duck my head down from the breeze.

"Here have my jacket" Harry offers but I put my hand up to object.

"Don't worry we're almost there you loser" I joke, poking my tounge out.

He laughs and wolf whistles, "You're so sassy Darsh, why did I not hang out with you sooner?"

We both crack up at that and soon we're inside the bar, telling eachother about our friends and familys.

A few hours (and heaps of drinks) later, I finally decide to control the beast that is Harry Styles.

"Can we get some more drinks please" Harry slurs to the bar tender and I drag him outside before he can say anything, or drink anything else.

I think he's had enough for the night. I only had about 3 in the whole 4 hours we were here but Harry had about 15.

Which Isn't good at all, and he's now beyond being drunk. Way beyond.

He puts his arm around my shoulder and I hook mine around his waist as we walk into the crystal clear night.

He leans in closer and his curls tickle my neck. I blush and he sighs.

"Darsh, You're boo-boo-Beauuuu-tiful oh oh yeahhhhh" Harry sings and attempts a few dance moves but ends up pulling us both to the ground.

Which doesn't surprise me since, even when Harry is sober, he sucks at dancing.

Gasping for air (from laughing so hard) I try to get up, but fail, getting pulled back down by a drunk Harry.

"Darsh, since we were 13 I have had the biggest most poopiest amazingest-t-t crush on you. I mean we're now both 18 so that's 5 years. Your big brown eyes and Long dark hair just had me so drawn to you and then you were a lovely person t-too" Harry stutters trying to sound sober and all I can do is lie there still.

He likes me? For the same ammount of time I've been into him? maybe I should get him drunk more often.

"I like you too Harry" I finally say and he smiles and pulls me close to him.

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