Chapter 3- Sandy's

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Chapter 3


Emily's P.O.V

Next thing I know I am running towards the front of the restaurant. I try and leave all my random thoughts behind as I run away from these two men, two very attractive, but obviously insane men. I make it through the door before I hear a distinctly male voice yell out.

"Emily, no!" I believe it was Keenan, but I can't be sure. Forget it I have to keep running. I make it to the tree line and I hear people running behind me. So I shift, mid-air, ripping my new dress. My wolf taking over, I let go.

I am running as fast as I possibly can. Given I am known to be one of the fastest in the pack I still have to worry about the two Alphas that are on my tail. I can hear them; they are close, but not close enough to close in on me.

I make frantic turns and swerves in a feeble attempt to loose them, but I soon realize they are not going to give up.

Sandy, Sandy, Sandy. That's all I could think about. I had to get to her. She could help; she could provide me sanctuary till I could get my thoughts in order and make sure I was not going insane.

A turn up here, a turn up there, 20 miles more then I would be there. God I could still hear them behind me, I hear their feet pounding against the forest floor. I can hear them growling at each other to try and claim dominance in the chase.

Ha, this is actually kind of funny. I would have never imagined being in this position in my whole life.

No, stop thinking. Just run.

I hope Sandy can help, for my own safety and life, I hope she can.

The line was only 15 miles. 15 miles. I can make it.

I can hear Kennan and Ronan gaining on me, but once I hit the line they can't touch me. They don't know these border lines on our property. At least I don't think they do.

They were about 3 miles behind me, close, but not close enough. I could make it. I know I could. I just had to push for these last 10 miles.

God, what was I going to do? Sandy could give me some entail into what was going on. Two mates? No, I had to be crazy.

Kennan had a mate, who is now dead, but non-the-less he already found her.

And god an Alpha mate, when I imagined finding my mate I imagined maybe a third in command or somewhat high ranked pack member, but an Alpha? Now don't get me wrong as a she-wolf I was attracted to power, and that's a natural thing for any she-wolf, but I never willingly hoped to be mated to an Alpha.

God, I am only 2 miles away from the line, and I can smell the change in territory coming up. I knew they had to be onto me by now. I could tell because they began to pick up speed. Still throwing in the occasional growl but almost working together because they have the same goal, me.

I can taste the freedom coming up, I can see the trees that separate the territories and I can feel my paws trembling under the ground.

Only a few hundred feet away, I can feel them gaining on me. They're close, but still too far. I am going to make it.

Yes, so close, almost there.

Then I feel a nip on my hind leg, they were right on me. But they were still too late.

I break through the line before I skid and tumble to a fall from the momentum.

I made it, I did it. I'm safe.

"Give me one good reason not to kill you now pup." A male's voice from behind me arises.

"Chang, now." The same male's voice demands. Now getting naked in front of people wasn't some scary thing normally for wolves based on the fact we have to shift multiple times in diverse situations. But now standing in front of both Alpha Ronan and Alpha Kennan I suddenly felt way too vulnerable.

But I needed to stay alive here so. It is what it is.

So I shift back into my 5'6 frame and semi-curvy/semi-athletic build in front of my supposed mates (still not sure what to call them) hardly an hour after I met him, wait for them, no him. Ugh, this is confusing.

I turn and look back past the territory line to Alpha Keenan and Alpha Ronan now in human form, both with surprised but satisfied looks on their faces. They both suddenly look at each other and then back at me and anger passes through their expressions as if they both realized that the other is seeing me naked too.

"State your business here in Blood Moon." I turn to see what male had been talking to me since I got here, and I turn to see Beta Hix.

"Ah Hix, always nice to see you, now I prefer to be clothed when I see you, but always nice." I state smirking at the 6'3 hunk of a man.

"Ah, Emily. Normally I don't expect to see you breaking border laws at one in the afternoon. But always nice." Hix says chuckling.

"I see you brought some company?" Hix says looking behind me to see both Alpha Ronan and Alpha Kennan holding them back from crossing the border. If they were smart they wouldn't even try it.

"Well, I have good reasons, Hix I need help." I say looking at him desperately as one of his pack members hang me a button up shirt. I hear both Alphas growl because obviously, this was some random males shirt I was about to put on.

"No she does not need help, she needs to come with me. I'm her mate" Alpha Ronan states growling at Hix, so close to the line but even being the number one pack in the country he knows his boundaries here. Blood Moon was a strong pack, a very strong pack. They could take Alpha Ronan, but they choose to remain at a lower status for their own personal preferences. Blood Moon was a mystery to most, they were known for their mystery. And I am sure both Alpha Ronan and Alpha Keenan would not want to step on their toes.

"Mate? Like hell she is." Alpha Keenan states as he chuckles to himself. He obviously believes Alpha Ronan is delusional here.

"Seems like you have got a problem. Come, well go see Sandy and Barnes." Hix says as he starts to lead me through the trees.

"Wait! You can't leave. You belong to me." Alpha Ronan screams.

I laugh and turn around to meet his eyes.

"I don't belong to anyone you ignorant asshole, and I never will." I said, venom dripping from every word. I flip my hair and turn to follow Hix to the pack house, which is a few miles deeper in the woods. I hear both Alphas yelling at each other about letting me get away and telling each other off in every profane use of language they know.

"So you've got a lot of explaining to do." Hix says as I look up taking in his dark 6'3 body. Hix was attractive, unfortunately, super gay, but very attractive.

"To be honest I don't know what is even going on." I say looking back down at my feet. It was true I have no idea what is happening or how it's going to turn out, but I hope Sandy had some sort of answer for me.

"Hopeful Sandy and Barnes can help then." Hix said as we kept walking though the woods towards the house. We were almost there but we still had to hurry. I'm sure both Alpha Ronan and Alpha Kennan have contacted Barnes already.

I see the large mansion of a house come through in the distance. I see Sandy and Barnes waiting on the deck. I start to run, sprint fast toward her. It has been a while.

"Sandy." I call out and she meets me in the back yard, as I sprint through the garden and past the playground into her arms. And I start to cry. I cry because I've been strong for the past 3 hours through the shittiest show of my life. I cry because I am safe. I cry because I missed my sister.

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