Getting Ready

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Trin: you ready sis

Sama: for what

Trin: THE R5 CONCERT!!!!!!

Sama: yes!

Trin: OMR5

Sama: what

Trin: I LOVE R5!!!!!

Sama: me 2!!!!!

Trin: is Ross still your favorite?

Sama: of course

Trin: oh

Sama: yeah what about your favorite?

Trin: still Riker

Sama: now we don't have to fight over them

Trin: Rydel is so pretty I wish I was her sister

Sama: what about me

Trin: you will be my sister no matter what

Sama: yay!

Trin: yeah

Sama: ok so what are you wearing to the concert?

Trin: Dark Blue pants and a Riker Lynch shirt

Sama: we will match kinda

Trin: what you wearing?

Sama: Bright Yellow pants with a Ross Lynch shirt

Trin: we will kinda match

Sama: yep

Trin: lets get ready for V.I.P

Sama: I didn't know you got V.I.P

Trin: yeah I did!

Sama: ok im gonna get ready in my room

Trin: im gonna go to the bathroom upstairs and do my hair when I am done getting dressed in my room

Sama: I guess I will use the one down here then

Trin: ok lets get dressed

Sama: k


Trin: im going up stairs

Sama: k

Trin: im gonna take the straighning iron to straighten my hair

Sama: ok I will curl mine then

Trin: were you gonna use the straighning iron?

Sama: no


Sama: you putting on makeup?

Trin: yea you?

Sama: yes

Trin: well im going to go to my hair

Sama: see you in a little bit

Trin: ok

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