Chapter 5 ; i hate you too

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(please do tell me if you find any typos/grammar mistakes, since i haven't double-checked this chapter)


next chapter is probably going to be the last! 


Nakahara Chuuya was dying. It was 3AM, and he was currently laying down on the floor, bottle of expensive wine in his hand. He was far past the sobbing, the question why and the helpless feeling.

He was dying of a broken heart.

His heart felt shattered in a thousand ice-cold and razor-sharp pieces. And all these pieces were ripping at his insides, tearing him slowly apart. Every breath hurt, every heartbeat ached. The auburn haired male was almost certain that this hurt more than the aftermath of "Corruption".

Yet, he was drowning his feelings towards Dazai. 

Every memory of every touch, every kiss, every whispered word, every shared smile, their first and last I love you. He drowned them in the burning liquor. 

He was desperate to erase the brunette them from his memory. So he drank and drank and drank, until the bottle was empty. Until he was empty. The only feeling towards Dazai that was left in his system, was hatred. Burning hatred that seemed to swallow up his broken heart and fill his veins with hot anger. It was a rather welcome replacement, to say the least. 

The clock on the wall showed 5AM now, yet he was laughing. He laughed because of the irony of it all. He laughed because he never had felt this stupid. He laughed because it was better than crying. 

Osamu Dazai capable of love?

How foolish Chuuya had been for actually believing that joke.

Four years later, he found himself in a bar. Getting drunk, as usual. Chuuya had become a little bit of an alcoholic once Dazai left, but he didn't care. It was a way of dealing with his problems, like the memories about a certain brunette. He hadn't seen Dazai in those four years, but he heard the rumours. 

Ex-Demon Prodigy leaves the mafia. 

Ex-executive-member of the mafia joins the Detective Agency. 

Half of  the feared Double Black turns traitor.

Chuuya still felt betrayed, his anger still burning brightly when he was remembered of the brunette. And fuck, basically every single fucking thing reminded him of taller male by now. So, he became a rather angry individual.

Dazai on the other hand, found himself in the exact same bar as Chuuya. He almost choked on his drink once he saw the hat of his ex-partner. Slightly intoxicated as he was, he thought it would be a great idea to chitchat a bit with the redhead. So, a few heartbeats later, he wrapped his arms around Chuuya's small frame and whispered in his ear. 

"Missed me, partner?" 

Dazai felt Chuuya stiffen under his touch and soon he felt a hard slap across his face. 

Chuuya was simply shocked. It had been four years since he last saw the taller male and now here he was, barely recognisable and harassing him. Apparently, Dazai had traded his black coat for a trench-coat, the tie was gone, so as the bandages on his face. The ones on his arms were still there though, telling that Dazai still wasn't done with harming himself. 

Not that Chuuya cared... right?


Chuuya managed to say, before his mouth got covered by an index-finger, quickly shushing him.

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