Chapter 2

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A/N: Since I didn't write it in the last chapter, I will make it clear here: This book will NOT be a long one. I am currently averaging it at around 20-25 chapters, but they will most likely be less than a page each. I am planning on making one letter with one reply (One from each character) sent in each chapter, so please don't expect this book to be the longest. it is best to red if you're looking for a short, quick read. :) Thank you for understanding.

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I looked excitedly at the letter in my hands. It had been about four days since I sent my reply to the Post, and I finally had an answer. I ripped the envelope open and quickly read its contents.

Dear Mr. Day,

To start things off, I would like to tell you that I'd rather refer to you in your surname, because no matter how formal it seems to you, I feel like we don't know eachother well enough to address eachother on a first name basis.

So you want to know about me? Well, I don't think there is much to say (or, much to say that I want to). Well, I'm a girl, I'll tell you that. I live in the UK as you can tell, judging on the address posted on this envelope. And I'm the age of 24. I guess we have the basics done.

Well, for any more information that regards deeper than names and numbers, I will have to say that I'd rather not focus on it. In a way, I feel like it goes along with the same guidelines of we don't know eachother well enough yet. And finally, I'm sorry for writing as if I'm some formal person, because I'm most definetly not. I guess I just spend too much time writing drafts of these letters that they just morph together into a weird 1920s fashion. And there's also the fact that I overthink things too much. But I guess that's better than not thinking enough.

I hope this letter answers your questions, or, at least, most of them.



I quickly retrieved a spare piece of paper from my desk and scratched out a reply with the worn out pen I used to write countless scripts for videos.

Dear A,

If you would prefer to call me "Mr. Day", then go ahead. I will just tell you now that I think it's too formal. Also, overthinker, eh? So what are you, a classified genius then? That would be pretty interesting. And 24? So I would assume you've gone to University already? If you have, what did you study? (We might be able to start a good conversation about that)

Of course, I would tell you more about me, but it seems you know the basics. I can't seem to tell you something that would spark up a conversation, so I think I'll just start with this: "How was your day?" (feel free to say what you want here) For me, well, I would say hectic. I had to film a couple of videos today so that I'll be prepared for the next few weeks, and I was helping Charlie with some editing too. Then, I wrote a bit of my book some more, before going on the internet for countless more hours. Honestly, though, I would say it was a pretty basic day. What about you?



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**Dedicated to randomtardisgirl because I've wanted to dedicate something to her for quite some time. She's latley been commenting on almost all of my chapters with positive feedback and is just overall amazing. :)**

Dear Mr. Day [Alex Day] {DISCONTINUED}Where stories live. Discover now