Ch. 2~ You Can't Leave

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I walked up the gravel path until I could no longer see the gate or my friends standing behind it and fear set in. I was scared because they all looked serious when Kelli was telling us about it. I should've listened to them but I'm not a scaredy cat. Hopefully this hour passes quickly.

I continued walking until I reached a dark brooding mansion. It was just as creepy as I expected. The moon shining brightly behind it and trees surrounding the area made it all the more creepier. I continued on my way up the stairs and was met with two huge doors.

'Well here goes nothing.'

I opened the doors and walked through. It was pitch black inside and I couldn't see anything. I walked a few steps and the doors slammed closed behind me, making me jerk around and run towards them trying to pull them open. It didn't work. I felt a tap on my shoulder and spun around to see a dark looming figure in front of me. It stared at me then clapped twice and the lights came on.

The whole room lit up like something from a movie and I was literally in shock of how beautiful it was. It was mostly white marble with maroon and gold here and there. There was a big entrance to my left which looked like it led into a living room, you could go straight and go back outside or you could turn right and be led into another room and to my right was a big staircase with white and gold marbled steps.

I was seriously in love, this is the stuff of books and castles overseas. Not here in a tiny town in Washington.

"Done checking it out?"

My eyes got wide and I spun to the face in front of me. I totally forgot about the other being in the room. I literally just stared.

"My name is Arabella Starr. I am the head maid of this castle and you are trespassing. Who are you and why are you here?"

'I'm Layla Rylan and I'm 17. I got dared to come into here for an hour.. I'm so sorry I will leave now.'

I turned around and gave the doors another few tugs and they wouldn't open still but I stopped when I heard a deep booming voice.

"You can't leave now. You've only just arrived!"

I looked up on the stairs to see the creature I was warned about. Although it wasn't a creature. It was a man. He was pale and had dark hair, maybe black. He was wearing a suit with a watch but I could see black ink on his opposite wrist. Tattoos. He had some stubble along his jaw and upper lip, but like it was suppose to be there, not the kind where it looks like he forgot to shave. He was handsome no doubt about that. But what was a man like him doing in a place like this?

'I really need to get back to my friends..'

"Your friends aren't waiting for you anymore, at least not for another half hour."

I gulped and stayed put.

"So what are you suppose to be my dear, a rabbit?"

'Me and my friends dressed up as playboy bunnies for Halloween this year, Mister?'

"Ah Mr. Dean. Shawn Dean."

'Nice to meet you I'm-'

Before I could finish in a flash he was standing in front of me and the maid was gone.

"Layla Rylan, pleased to make your acquaintance."

He kissed the top of my hand and bowed.


"I would like to give you the grand tour! What do you say? When we are done it'll be time for you to leave. Just something to pass the time, yes?"

'Um sure'

He linked my arm through his and drug me to the right and up the stairs. We turned left across the platform and up the next set of stairs where a grand room was with a big connected bathroom and a walk in closet, which had three stories! It even had a balcony that overlooked the huge garden, huge empty pool, and I could see the forest line surrounding the huge house.

'Wow it's so elegant!'

"It will be for my lady when I find her."

I mentally awed at that. Cute.

"Well shall we?"

I linked my arm back with his and skipped a little out the door.

'We shall.'

He smirked at me and we went down a level and he showed me the maids quarters and bathrooms and all the extra rooms he had and I began to think how lonely it must be here. Next we went down to the main level and to the left where I was right there was a huge living room, a huge flat screen tv with movies upon movies comfy beautiful couches. We went through another door on the left and you wouldn't believe it. It was a huge library and art room. It had to have had millions of books and all kinds of art, plus an art studio and a little bench that overlooked the garden and a swing from a tree where you could sit. I was in awe. I literally could not close my mouth.

'This place is amazing.. It looks so dark and brooding from the outside but it is completely different on the inside. That's like the saying "Don't judge a book by its cover."'

He nodded and guided me back out the door and we continued on and turned left where we went through the entrance again and straight then to the right where a humongous amazing gorgeous kitchen was. Three fridges, one of them I noticed had a lock on it and two big freezers and one of those had a lock on it too. I was curious, who locks fridges and freezers? I kept quiet for now as we walked down some steps that barely had any light through them so it was difficult to see. We walked down a hallway and stopped and he clapped the lights on.

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