Chapter 1

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The double doors flew open and Alice sauntered into the main lobby. The phone began to ring just as Alice reached the desk. She pulled herself onto it and picked the phone off of its receiver.

"ISIA American branch, Sarah speaking," she said in a sickeningly sweet voice. "How may I direct you?"

"Agent Prescott. It's nice to hear that you made it safely through your last assignment." Alice chuckled and uncrossed her legs.

"I wouldn't say safely," she stated as she rubbed her side with her free hand.

"Well you didn't lose any limbs, and that's all that matters. You are needed on the tenth floor, room 1048." Alice grabbed a pen and wrote the number on the inside of her left wrist.

"I'll be there in a couple minutes." Alice went to put the phone back on the receiver, but pulled the phone back to her ear. "Love you Dad."

"Love you too, Alice." She hung up the phone and hopped off the counter. Alice stepped onto the elevator and pressed the button for the 10th floor.

She waited silently as the small elevator ascended. She shoved her hands into her pockets and tapped her foot along with the music. Her head snapped up when the doors opened. Alice stepped forward and looked at the set of vending machines.

Alice stepped into room 1048 with a bag of chips in her hand. She took the open seat at the side of the table and looked at the man standing by the windows.

"Agent Prescott," he said, staring out the windows. "Welcome home. I assume your last mission went well." Alice bit a chip in half.

"Perfectly, sir." She swung her feet up onto the table and finished the chip. She pulled another out of the bag and ate it. The man turned around and rested a hand on the table, casting a glare in Alice's direction. She crunches into another chip.

"Well I hope you're ready for another one," another man said in a thick, Russian accent. He patted the pile of files in front of him. "Because you're leaving in two days."

The top file was passed to Alice. The word "classified" was stamped on the front in red ink. She flipped it open to see a simple title page.

"Operation: Black Tie," she read. The man at the head of the table say in his chair. Alice flipped the page and began reading.

"The Black Tie Agency is a North American institution based in Burkett, Missouri." Alice chuckled and ate another chip. "And you find that amusing because?"

"It's just that they're very clever to base it in Missouri. Nothing happens in Missouri." The Russian man laughed and hit the arm of the woman seated next to him. Alice flipped through the rest of the pages.

"You, Agent Prescott, are in charge of eliminating the threat the BTA imposes on the upcoming gathering of UN officials," a woman on Alice's side of the table announced. Alice kicked her feet off the table and rested her elbows on either side of the file in front of her.

"And how am I supposed to do that?" The man at the head of the table smirked.

"That is up to you. Although, your partner may already have a plan." Alice furrowed her eyebrows and looked around the table.

"What partner? I don't have a partner." The Russian man picked up another file.

"You do now." The file was placed in front of Alice. She flipped it open to see a form with a picture of a boy around her age in the top left corner. "Weston Bishop is the newest junior agent in the American branch. Top of his class, just graduated from the academy a month ago wi-"

"With flying colors," Alice finished. "I bet he did, but why does he have to be my partner?"

"Alice, this isn't the kind of mission where we can just send in people whenever you're overwhelmed. The BTA is a big deal, and too much communication between our two ends could make them suspicious. We can send in last minute forces if it is absolutely necessary, but until then it would just be you. So, we've assigned Weston as your partner." Alice sighed and finished her chips.

"Alright. Where is he?" The Russian man cleared his throat and stared at the files still in front of him. Everyone else looked away. "Well?"

"He's in Burkett, Missouri," the man at the head of the table said finally. Everyone slowly glanced up at Alice.

"Ok. That makes sense. I only just got back from a mission last night, which is much later than I expected." She looked around at the scared looks on everyone's faces. "I'm not mad."

Another file was set in front of Alice. She flipped it open and looked at the agent file. She picked the picture up, studying it.

"Who's Rebecca Janson?" She noticed a small detail of the picture and made an o with her mouth. "That's me. Of course I have to be more basic than the quadratic formula."

The Russian man hid a laugh. Alice continued to read the profile. She stopped halfway down the page and looked up at the man seated at the head of the table.

"My interests include makeup and boys?" The man stood and walked over to the windows. "I cannot believe that you're married."

Several people tried to hide their snickers. Alice continued to read her profile. She turned the pages and read each one carefully. Alice set the papers back into the file and set the files in a neat pile in front of her.

"Is that all?" The man by the Windows waved his hand and people began to file out of the room. The Russian man set the last file in front of Alice.

"Just some extra information." Alice smiled at him. The room emptied except for Alice and the man who waved everyone away. He sat down at the head of the table and rested his head in his hands.

"Alice, you can't act so crudely in the workplace." Alice set her feet on the table.

"Carter, this isn't my workplace. I'm a field agent. Besides, that Russian guy found it charming." Carter fumed in his seat. Alice took her feet off the table and put a serious look on her face. "Carter, you know that I have a deep respect for you. You're the only person I trust to help me when I'm overwhelmed. If it makes you happy, I'll act more professional in mission briefings."

Carter lifted his head from his hands. He smiled at Alice and stood from his chair. Alice walked with him out of the room. Carter slung his arm over Alice's shoulders.

"You're a great baby sister," he said, ruffling her hair. Alice laughed and put her arm around Carter's waist.

"You're an okay brother.." They laughed and continued walking down the hallway. Alice returned her gear to the seventh floor and set the rest of her things in the second basement, where the field agents slept.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Jun 27, 2016 ⏰

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