2.Puppy Love

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THE SONG IS : lost boy by Ruth b.

Your POV

You just made a real friend YN!!! I thought as I looked at Tadashi.

"Want to come over to my house so we can do homework?" I asked him.

"Sure. I just have to ask Aunt Cass." He said and told me of Hiro his little brother. I smiled recess was over we went to class. I looked at Tadashi who was reading. After class he walked me home. I feel weird around him. I was happy no one was bothering him. I feel as if he is special. He held my hand and I blushed. He blushed slightly. we got to my house.

"YN I can come over by 4 ok? Oh YN! I got a crush on someone!". He said I nodded.

"Oh...okay..See you later Tadashi!" You said and your mom came out to see you. Tadashi left.

"Hi sweetie!" She yelled. You went inside.

"Hi mom!" You said going to your room and cleaning up everything you didn't want to make a bad first impression. You heard the doorbell and saw a woman with short brown hair. Then you saw Tadashi with a little boy who you guessed was Hiro.

"Hi!" Your mom said.

"Hi you must be YN's mom!" The lady said.

"Wait you look familiar do I know you?" The lady said.

"OMI (oh my Irene)!!! Cass! Is that you?!" Your mom said hugging the lady or who you guessed was Aunt Cass.

"Hi YN!" Tadashi said hugging you. You started to feel nice then when he pulled away the feeling stopped.

"Hi Tadashi good to see you! OMI! Is that Hiro!?" You said Hiro nodded. You hugged him.

"Come in!" Your mom said. Bringing the Hamadas inside. You were humming to a song you loved. Tadashi smiled and you looked at Hiro who needed a nap. You took Hiro and Tadashi to your room and sang Hiro a song you loved.
Play song

There was a time when I was alone
Nowhere to go and no place to call home
My only friend was the man in the moon
And even sometimes he would go away, too

Then one night, as I closed my eyes
I saw a shadow flying high
He came to me with the sweetest smile
Told me he wanted to talk for awhile
He said, "Peter Pan, that's what they call me
I promise that you'll never be lonely, " and ever since that day

I am a lost boy from Neverland
Usually hanging out with Peter Pan
And when we're bored we play in the woods
Always on the run from Captain Hook
"Run, run, lost boy, " they say to me
Away from all of reality

Neverland is home to lost boys like me
And lost boys like me are free
Neverland is home to lost boys like me
And lost boys like me are free

He sprinkled me in pixie dust and told me to believe
Believe in him and believe in me
Together we will fly away in a cloud of green
To your beautiful destiny
As we soared above the town that never loved me
I realized I finally had a family
Soon enough we reached Neverland
Peacefully my feet hit the sand
And ever since that day

I am a lost boy from Neverland
Usually hanging out with Peter Pan
And when we're bored we play in the woods
Always on the run from Captain Hook
"Run, run, lost boy, " they say to me
Away from all of reality

Neverland is home to lost boys like me
And lost boys like me are free
Neverland is home to lost boys like me
And lost boys like me are free

Peter Pan, Tinkerbell, Wendy Darling
Even Captain Hook, you are my perfect story book
Neverland, I love you so
You are now my home sweet home
Forever a lost boy at last

Peter Pan, Tinkerbell, Wendy Darling
Even Captain Hook, you are my perfect story book
Neverland, I love you so
You are now my home sweet home
Forever a lost boy at last

And for always I will say

I am a lost boy from Neverland
Usually hanging out with Peter Pan
And when we're bored we play in the woods
Always on the run from Captain Hook
"Run, run, lost boy, " they say to me
Away from all of reality

Neverland is home to lost boys like me
And lost boys like me are free
Neverland is home to lost boys like me
And lost boys like me are free

By the end of the song Hiro was asleep and Tadashi was close to you giggled and put a tutu on Tadashi while he was sleeping. He woke up and chased you down stairs and your mom and Cass laughed at Tadashi. You and him took selfies. You put on a dress and went down stairs to see Cass and your mom. You walked down stairs and then danced to your favorite song How to be a heart breaker.

"Let's dance Dashi! " You said and pulled him to the floor and you two danced. You fell on Tadashi and was on top of him. You were beet red. You starred at him. He did the same. You got up and your guardians were staring at you and You ran to the porch. Hiro ran after you.

"YN? Are you ok? Did Tadashi be a poopy head to you?!.." Hiro said. You haven't known Hiro long. But you knew then he was the brother you always wanted.
"No... it's just I think I like him. He's my only true friend. I had another friend but she betrayed me." I said tears going down my eyes. Hiro hugged me.

"YN. He cares for you promise me YN you will care for my weird brother." Hiro said and I nodded still hugging him. I went and saw Tadashi. We ignored what happened. After they left i went to bed.

Our Infinite Love (A Tadashi X Reader) (*COMPLETE*)Where stories live. Discover now