My Own Little Coma and Good Feelings

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***Ethan's POV***

I heard footsteps approaching but didn't move. A hand touched my shoulder, and when I didn't look up, the person crouched in front of me. I realized it wasa Tom, my roommate.

"Are you okay, Eth?"

I stared at him.

"Ethan, I need you to respond to me."

He's seen me like this may times. In fact, he's seen me this way every time I thought of Alex. I would lay in the most random place and make like a zombie. I wouldn't eat, drink, sleep, or anything for that matter. I would just lay there, drowning in the whirpool that I called life.

"C'mon man." He picked me up, propping my arm around his shoulders and the other around my waist. He sat me on my bed.

"I'm sorry," I grumbled.

"It's okay man. You're good." He walked out; I laid down and snuggled into the confines of my bed.

"I brought you some crackers and water. They'll be by your bed. Just grab it if you want it." He sat the items down and walked out.

***Aaliyah's POV***

"Dad?" I called as I opened the door, but there was no answer. I walked into the kitchen flipping the light on. I found a note and two twenty's sitting on the table.


Went out with Tasha. See you around ten or so. Here's some money for food.


Okay. Well, I have the house to myself then. LIGHTBULB!

"Hey," Jonah answered.

"Hey, do you wanna come over for a movie night?" I asked while searching the movie rack for a movie. I found "Now You See Me" and "This Is The End".

"Yea, sure. I'll be there in a few minutes."

"Okay. See you then." I hung up and put the popcorn in the microwave and grabbed two sodas placing them on the coffee table. I grabbed the popped popcorn and pured it into the bowl. The bowl was then placed between the drinks on the table. I grabbed two blankets from the closet and sat them on the couch.

The doorbell rang.

"Hola!" I sang as I opened the door.

"Hola, mi amiga!" Joe spoke as he pulled me into a hug. I think he had spoken to Lisa because I saw no trouble in his eyes. I sighed a sigh of relief.

We walked into the house and plopped down on the sofa.

"So, I found "Now You See Me" and "This Is The End". Which one?"

"Uhmmm... "Now You See Me" definitely!"

"Cool," I muttered as I placed the disk into the blu-ray player.


I woke up to a small push on my shoulder.

"Hey, sleepy head! Movie's over," He laughed.

I rolled my eyes playfully. "How was it? You know, after I feel asleep?"

"It was great. You should watch the end. I'm not giving anything away!" He winked and stood, stretching. I gathered the cans and bowl and took them to the kitchen. I trashed the cans and placed the bowl in the sink.

"I put the blankets up! Thanks for inviting me! I gotta go, but we'll talk tomorrow," He annouced as he came into the kitchen.

I smiled. "thanks for coming! and Okay!"

We walked to the door, and I pulled it open. Jonah hastily hugged me then ran off to his car. Once he was out the driveway, I closed the door and headed to my room. I took a shower and brushed my teeth. My makeup smeared as I wiped it, but I got it off finally. I trudged into my room, shut off my light, and lept into my bed.

Sleepy time! Finally!

Or so I thought! I groaned and reached for my ringing phone.

***Ethan's POV***

I took a nap, but it didn't really help.

The crackers and water remained untouched, but I was a bit thirsty. I took a sip of the water. Tom must have replaced it while I was sleeping because it was cold. I eyed the crackers. They looked alright, but I can't eat crackers without original cream cheese. I sighed and pulled the covers off my body. I was stiff, but I didn't really care. I just wanted to pack and then get back in bed.

I thought about Aalilyah. Maybe I should call her. I want to call her. I need to call her. My fingers automatically went to work with my phone's keypad.

It rang three times befor I heard her angellic voice.

"Hello?" She sounded sleepy.

"Hey, babe. Were you sleeping? I can call you later."

"No -- I heard some shuffling in the background -- I did just lay down, but I always have time for you darling."

I smiled. "Good."

"How are you feeling?"

"I'm fine. I'm about to start packing now. She lives in Arizona." 

"Wow, I lived there for six months. It's beautiful in an obscene way." She laughed.

I chuckled. "Did you like it there?"

" Yeah, but only because of the warm weather. I love the heat! I love swimming and wearing daisy dukes." She laughed once more.

"I bet you look beautiful in daisy dukes and swimming pools."

"You'd win that bet, player!"

We laughed and I sighed. "Aaliyah, uhm, will you come with me to Arizona, please?"

***Aaliyah's POV***

Woah. Didn't see that coming. I want to, but I'm not sure how my dad will respond to that. He hasn't even met Ethan. Maybe if Ethan could come here first, then my father could approve of him. Let's try that!

"Sure, Ethan! But I have to ask my dad. He hasn't met you yet, but I'm sure he wouldn't mind if he had."

"Okay, so how could I meet him?"

"I think you should come here first. Then, once you've met my dad, he can approve of you, and we'd go from here."

"Okay, great! Ask your dad, and I'll look for the tickets. Call me when you get the answer."

"Okay, babe, talk to you then!" I smiled into the phone.

"Okay, later."


I heard the door open downstairs. A few moments later my dad peeked into my room.


"Yes, sweetie?"

"Can you come here please?"

I turned my night light on as he made his way to my bed.


"I got off the phone with Ethan a few minutes ago. He asked if I could fly with him to Arizona to meet his mother. He also said that if you said yes, he could come here and meet you; then we could leave from here to go there." I paused to let it all sink in.

My father furrowed his brow and said, "I'm not sure sweetie. I don't know him at all, and I know you really like him, but isn't it a bit soon?

"Well, once I go back to London, I'll be seeing him almost everyday. I don't think this should be that big of deal."

My dad nodded. "Okay, but under one condition..."

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