Questionable Calls and Airport Tactics

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***Ethan's POV***

I was driving home from Aaliyah's when my mom called.


"Hey Ethan. You're coming tomorrow right?"

"Yeah. I am bringing a friend. She's special to me and knows everything about Dad."

"Okay. I'll see you later. Bye, Ethan."

"By--" CLICK!

I looked at my phone bewildered. Did she hang up on purpose? Surely, she couldn't have. We normally exchange goodbyes then "I Love You"s, but we didn't. Maybe the call just dropped, but when was the last time that happened? This is weird. I'll ask her aobut it tomorrow.

I finally pulled into the hotel parking lot and walked inside, heading straight for my room. I swiftly walked to my room. I took a shower and began thinking. Why would she hang up so quickly? And come to think of it, why had she sounded so urgent? Did she know something I didn't? If I hadn't told her that Aaliyah was coming, would we have been on the phone longer? All these questions rambled through my head as I cleansed myself.

This is unsettling. I've got to firgure out what she's hiding and why she's hiding it. I guess I'll find out there.


***Aaliyah's POV***


I hit my alarm and laid back down, only to sit straight up with an ecstatic smile on my face. I jumped out of bed and ran to my bathroom. My hair was a tousled mess, causing me to frown playfully then burst out laughing. I went back into my room and grabbed my phone turning on my favorite station on Pandora. Dubstep. Everything baout that is cool. I plugged it into my speakers and began dancing around my room and grabbing the things I needed. I twirled happily as I got ready for atrip to remember.

Once I was finished prancing and prepping, I unplugged my phone, went downstairs, and popped a Toaster Strudel into the toaster. I poured myself a glass of milk and played with the icing packet while I waited. Finally, the toaster dinged. When strudle was finally coated with the icing, I brought it to my mouth and let the magic happen. The cinnamon bun flavor was always my favorite.

"Nice to see someone up and ready." My father annouced walking into the kitchen.

"Good Morning, Daddy!"

"Good Morning, darling." My father whispered as he kissed my forehead.

"When are Angela and Mariah coming?"

"Oh, they are going to meet us at the airport."

"Cool! I can't wait! I bet it's super warm there! I packed a few bathing suits just in case."

"Me too." My father laughed.


***Ethan's POV***

"Aaliyah, are you guys here yet?"

"Yes, we are coming through the entrance now."

"Okay, I'm in the area next to Starbucks. You guys can come over here after you register."

"Okay, thanks see you then."


I hung up and decided to call my mom. It rung four times.

"You have reached---"

I ended the call. She must still be sleep.

"Ethan!" I heard an angellic voice calling my name.

I looked up and saw my beautiful Aaliyah. "Hey, babe."

We hugged while she whispered in my ear: " My dad is still in registration." I smiled and pulled back enough to see her smirking. In that same breath, I kissed her. I kissed her with all my might.

"Aaliyah? Will you be my official girlfriend?"

"I thought you'd never ask!" We kissed again.

We pulled apart and sat down just in time. Her dad was rounding the corner, and I stood to greet him.

"Good morning, Mr. Mike! How are you doing?" I asked while shaking his hand.

"Good morning, son. I'm great! Yourself?" Just as he finished, however, I saw two women walking over to Aaliyah. She seemed to know them pretty well because they were hugging and smiling. I gave Mike a confused look. He follwed my line of sight and sighed when his eyes met the older woman.

"That's Angela. The one hugging Aaliyah is Mariah. She is her younger sister. Agela, Mariah's mother. They just met a few days ago, but everything is wonderful so far!" He then looked at me with a very content smile.

"Wow, Aaliyah never told me. You have a very good-looking family, sir."

"Yes, I do!"

We laughed as we watched our girls. Aaliyah looked beautiful in her sweats and tank. I guess they were travelling clothes. They still looked gorgeous on her. nonetheless. We walked over to the ladies, and I introduced myself. They were so nice!

**Flight 531 to Phoenix, Arizon Now Boarding**

I locked eyes with Aaliyah and just smiled. She was so beautiful. I don't know how long we'll be together, but for now, I am going to treat her like the queen she is.


"Dad, I'm going to sit next to Ethan. Is that okay?" Aaliyah questioned.

"Of Course, sweetie, go ahead."

"Thanks Dad!" She hugged her father before plopping own next to me. "You got anything planned?"

"Yeah, actually!" I responded while wrappinng my arm around her shoulders.

"Good! Because I am NOT planning on being bored!" With that, she kissed me and snuggled into my shoulder.

Ear plugs in. Music up. Sleep triggered.

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