Chapter 12 - Looking For Prince Charming

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Chapter 12 - Looking For Prince Charming

I’m almost done with this floor, only one room left and I’m on my way when I see the door opening so I stop. I had enough interaction with a celebrity for the week, I don’t need to run into any other. I recognise Niall walking out of his room, slowly and with his eyes on the floor. He looks tired and a bit down, but he doesn’t notice I’m there, plus I’m kinda hiding behind my cart so it’s normal he can’t see me. Once he takes the lift and the doors close, I stand straight and let go of the breath I was holding. I didn’t even notice I was doing that.

I sigh relieved and walk into his room because that’s the only one I have left on this floor. I’m still really slow but I try to hurry because lunch is near, which means a little break, which means I can stop and breathe again.

His room is a mess, I’m not surprised. All his clothes are around the floor, the black tuxedo and the mask, but there’s something missing: girl’s clothes. Niall has a girlfriend, but her dress is not around. I frown and look more carefully around the room and notice that there’s nothing feminine there. I really don’t know why I’m doing this, but I walk up to the wardrobe and I gasp when I can only find clothes of men where there were girl’s clothes before.

What does this mean? Where is the blond? What was her name? Zoe, I think.

I blink surprised because I don’t care about this, this is none of my business —although Kimmy and Jenny would love to hear this— and I have no right to pry on his belongings. For all what matters, she maybe had to go due to an emergency or she just decided to ask for a room for herself. I don’t know and I don’t care.

Yes, I don’t care.

So I close the wardrobe doors and go back to cleaning the room, making the bed, picking and folding clothes, cleaning and tidying everything up. Then I go to the bathroom and when I’m done, I’m so tired I could just lie there, on the bathroom floor until someone finds me and think I’m dead. I would wake up in the morgue.

I head to the lift so I can go and grab something to eat and see Charlie and Liv, but on my way I see another door opening and a blonde coming out of the room. In a matter of three seconds I recognise her, she’s Niall’s girlfriend.

Oh, so she’s still here, she’s just in the room next door. I don’t really know why and I try not to think about it. I tell myself it’s none of my business and I have work to do and a stomach to feed. When the doors open I walk into the lift and she hurries so I hold them open for her. We’re both making our way down but we don’t say anything, she doesn’t acknowledge my presence until the doors open again in the hall and she smiles goodbye at me. I’m impressed because it’s a nice smile, a sweet one, yet tired, very tired.

I’m still shocked when the doors close and by then I shrug the feeling, I still have things to do.

+ + + + +

“So,” Charlie says, extending the vowel, whilst we’re eating our lunch outside. It’s a lovely day, warm and sunny and it can’t go to waste. Plus, I need the vitamin D if I still have half day to go. “Did you find out the identity of your mystery prince already?”

I choke on my food and I swear I see my life flashing before my eyes.

Charlie actually laughs at my reaction, but I wasn’t expecting that, and it’s not only that he called the mystery guy prince, which is just repulsive, but that he thinks I want to find out.

“You’re mental,” I state. Not an insult, just a fact. “Seriously, you need to get over what happened last night.”

“Oh c’mon!” Charlie insists, bumping shoulders with me. “You don’t go around kissing strangers, so when you do, it means something. I know you, Ella.”

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