
33 1 8

Sweat trickled down my back as I was knocked around the small bus. It had no air conditioning, which gave me a headache, and little cushioning on the seats. Giving up on finding any type of comfort, I leaned my head back and closed my eyes.

Suddenly, my body jerked forward. "Stupid potholes," I muttered under my breath. The lock screen on my phone lit up as I read the time. 8:57 am. I had fallen asleep for over an hour.

My arms raised over my head and stretched to each side. I could hear a man coughing from he back, another woman yawning in the seat behind me. Letting out a groan, I rubbed my eyes and looked out the window.

My gaze met the most beautiful sight; Jamaica was far better than I could have ever imagined. Maybe my parents weren't so bad, after all they were capable of planning such a beautiful trip.

However, the thought was cut short by the remembrance of how insensitive they actually were. This trip wasn't originally planned just for me. My supposed-to-be fiancé cancelled on me last minute.

Not that I cared though, he is an asshole. If it weren't for the arranged marriage, I would have nothing to do with him.

In an attempt to rid myself of the last things I wanted to think about during this vacation, I looked out the window and shuffled through my bag for my digital camera.

Around 20 pictures later, we had arrived at the port. The boat parked along the dock wasn't as big as I expected it to be. From the looks of the website, it was supposed to hold over fifty people. This boat looked as if it could hold twenty-five, max.

The boat was painted a very pale blue, almost matching the color of the shallow water. Regardless of the size, it was absolutely breathtaking.

Painted in white along the side were the words, "Casa Aqua."

I decided it was one of the cutest boats I had ever seen in my life.

A grey haired man, followed by a younger girl and boy, and I slowly found our way outside of the doors. As I picked my bags out of the small storage compartment in the back of the bus, another two busses pulled in behind us.

Tires came to a screeching stop. Not that it meant to, the bus was honestly just in that bad of shape.

Out of the doors of the first bus came three women and a man. I didn't get a great look at them, though, because the second bus did a better job at catching my attention.

It was covered in graffiti; almost like the kind you would see on the side of railroad carts and train walls.

The colors were vivid and looked freshly painted.

This time only three men walked out of the vehicle's doors. The first boy wore black rimmed glasses and a green t-shirt. He has short, blonde hair that curled at the top and matched his pale complexion. In all honesty, he didn't look that special.

However my eyes widened to get a better look at the next two boys that came out to retrieve their bags.

The first had dirty blonde hair that had been dyed a more bleached blonde at the ends. It was standing up in all sorts of directions, probably from being slept on during the hours spent on the bus. He had a slight tan, nothing compared to the one I held. California surfing really treated me well.

He wore a white, cut off shirt and rolled shorts. The shirt had letters and numbers printed across the chest, along with the word "Kansas." Hmh, maybe he was from there? He didn't look much older than 20 though, so maybe he just went to college there.

He lazily scratched the back of his head and spoke something to the boy beside him.

The other one had longer, curly hair. It was a dark brown and had various different types of curls to it. From where I was standing, I could tell he was a pretty boy. He was clad in a floral button up shirt that was rolled at the sleeves. His shorts, like the other's, were rolled at the bottoms and his feet were covered in neon tennis shoes.

Regardless of the pretty boy look, they were both striking. 

I snapped out of my trance as I heard the grey haired dad beside me speak to, who I assumed was, his daughter.

"Are you ready to board?"

The girl had strawberry blonde hair and seemed very shy. All she did in response was nod her head. I followed the father and daughter, as she held the other boy's hand.

Once we reached the dock, a woman bounced happily out of the cabin.

"Hello, hello! Welcome aboard the S.S. Casa Aqua. I am Chantale, and I will be your tour guide!"

She looked to be in her thirties, and held a strong Haitian accent. Her bubbly personality was welcoming, though. It assured me that I would at least get the most out of our tours.

She shook my hand as I boarded the boat.

"Hi, dear. May I ask your name?" Chantale asked me.

"Bentley." She smiled as I responded and I continued boarding.

I turned around to watch everyone else load and noticed the bleach blonde from earlier had thrown on a Yankees hat. It looked good.

Afraid to be caught staring, I looked away.

Once the passengers were all loaded, we took a seat at the front of the boat. Some of them chatter with each other, and others sat quietly. From eavesdropping, I picked up that the pretty boy with curls' name was Harry. I couldn't quite catch the blonde's name.

I noticed a brown headed man across the area that kept sneaking glances at me, but I didn't think much about it. There was most likely just something on my face.

The younger man who was on my bus turned to face me, still holding onto the strawberry blonde's hand. "Why haven't we started this bad boy up?"

Seeming to have overheard, the tour guide spoke up. "We are just waiting on two locals to get here. They have been bugging me all week to join the tour!"

She let out a chuckle and shook her head, as if there was some joke that we didn't understand.

"Oh, there they are! Javel! Ajay! Come join us!"

I smiled watching the two jump aboard. Both of the boys had tan skin and almost black hair. It was longer, and flopped down over their eyes. The only difference between them was that Ajar looked older that Javel. Perhaps closer to the higher twenties, where Javel looked around twenty four.

"I guess that's that, then." I said out loud as I grabbed my suitcases and stood up. "Are we aloud to go to our rooms?"

"Yes, of course!" She spoke too happily, "Just remember we will be having a Captain's dinner this evening. 7 o'clock. Don't be late!"

We all mumbled our "mhm's" and "sure thing's" as we made our way back into the cabins.

Before everyone disappeared into their rooms, I counted in my head.

13 passengers, a tour guide that reminded me of a dog wagging it's tail, and a captain who had yet to been seen.


Hello! I ran a couple polls on my twitter to decide if I wanted to write this story or not... obviously I got more yes votes than no ahaha

Anyway, the first couple chapters will be introducing characters and introducing some important things so hang with me!!

vote and comment and please give me your honest opinions :)

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