No Lights Out

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He left without a goodbye.

I don't think I ever want to see that man again. As conversations return to normal, Niall and Harry turned to me. "Are you okay?" Genuine concern floods Niall's features.

"I'm going to just go back to my room." I'm not that shaken up anymore, but I almost feel foolish. I shouldn't have let Captain Zaccai get to me like he did.

"Here, let me walk you back." Niall raises to his feet. I nod, mainly because a part of me wants his comfort instead of walking alone.

"Oh, no you don't! Sit back down, you two."

At first I really liked Chantale, but now she was really just too over the top for me.

"Why?" I asked, with a slight tone of irritation. Niall and I lowered back down.

"I have an announcement. First, I want you all to know that tomorrow morning we will be docking at a port on an island off the coast of Jamaica. Oh, you'll love it!"

"And second, the rules."

You could actually hear some of the passengers in the room groan.

"One, no going into the Captain's quarters." She wouldn't have to worry about that from me.

"Two, always arrive to our destinations on time and don't damage the local's things." She looked directly at Harry and Niall, which made me laugh. You can just tell the two of them together are a handful.

"Three, there is no set lights out time. Have fun, be careful, watch out in the waters. It's up to you if you go to bed in your rooms, but don't be upset when you miss out on the beauties of the next day."

Hearing that there was no set time we had to report to our rooms made me excited. Almost like a little kid at Christmas.

I could tell the others felt the same way.

"With that, goodnight. I'll see you all in the morning." Chantale flashed a cheerful grin and left the room.

"Well, you heard her guys.. Let's get the party started!" Silas shouted.

The room erupted in various different replies, ranging from "Aw, yeah!" to "I'll get my weed!"

We all followed each other out of the dining hall, leaving our dirty dishes on the table.

The main deck wasn't large, but it was the perfect size to fit all of us. Minus Thomas, who was drunk and went back to his room to pass out.

Nobody minded though, because he was the only older adult here. The rest of us were just in our early to mid twenties.

We all lined around the circular shaped couch that covered the expanse of the deck.

Holder took turns pouring out shots, which surprised me because his appearance made him look like he had never taken is head out of a calculus book.

Four rounds later, we were all starting to get tipsy.

I sat between Aria and Vivian, with Harry and Niall across from me. Everyone else was squeezed in between.

Vivian suddenly blurts out, "Let's play truth or dare!" And, of course, we all jump at the idea.

"Okay, I'll ask first." She starts, "Cora, truth or dare?"

Cora doesn't even seem to contemplate as she answers, "Truth."

"Is it true you're a virgin?"

As if expecting this question, she shakes her head "no."

"Ooooh! Quiet girl has a kink!" Harry shouted, taking another drink.

We all laughed, and Cora asked the next question. She seemed a little louder. I smiled knowing she was becoming more comfortable around us.

"Ian, truth or dare?"

I turned my head to look at him and he was already looking my direction. He's going to have to cut that shit out. What is it, like the fourth time?

"Défi." Dare, only he responded in French.

"I dare you to," she paused, "tell us your deepest, darkest secret."

Ian's eyes seemed to noticeably darken. He let a cough out from deep in his throat, and he then chuckled, as if to cover it up. Something about him rubbed me the wrong way.

"I, uh, when I was seven, I would steal my moms bras." We all waited on him to continue, thinking there was more to the story. Niall leaned forward and put his elbows on his knees.

"And?" Niall asked.

"Right, yes, I would take them and I would wear them under my sweatshirts."

Everyone started laughing, and Holder clapped him on the back. Ian seemed to relax into his seat and forced a smile.

Nobody else noticed, but as he one again locked eyes with me, I did. He was lying.

However, I didn't want to have a conversation with him to find out why.

I figured I would be up soon, so I tipped back a few more shots and wiped the corner of my mouth.

Silas had to take a belly shot off of Cora, Willow took off her bra and strung it around Ajay's neck, Aria kissed Javel, Harry gave Niall a strip tease. I won't lie, that one was pleasing to watch.

Harry slid closer to Niall and whispered in his ear.

"Bentley, truth or dare?" A mischievous smirk was set on his face, unmoving.

"Dare." I didn't want to have to admit something like having an arranged marriage to deal with.

"I dare you to go in that storage closet and play 7 minutes in Heaven," he paused, "with Niall."


DAMn HaRRy Y u DO tHAT FoR? oh yeah for u thirsty readers

next chapter is gonna reveal some things so you should be looking forward to it *evil laughs*.. and let me just tell y'all 3 updates in the last 24 hours hah i have no social life

WHAT ARE YOUR THOUGHTS ON THE CHARACTERS? Ian? Captain Zaccai? Bentley? Chantale??? Let"s hear em all!

vote, comment, and please leave your thoughts because that's what till motivate me the most!

also pls share this w your friends!

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