When you finally go on vacation

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Sup homies? How about a question of the day?
What's your favorite song? My current favorites are 7 Years and Johnny Ghost working at MCDs.

I race Jess back to the house. We are neighbors, like literally. I could open my bedroom window and she could open hers and we could talk from there

bUT, my mom told me to have her come over. I don't know why.

"Hey mom, we're here!" I open the door. She gives us a smile.

"Now why are we here mom, you made us run and now Jess and I feel like death!" I was panting heavily while Jess had her hands on her knees.

"I just wanted to tell you what the surprise vacation is!"

"But then why is Jess here? Oh my god is she coming with us?!" My mom nodded, and we freak out.

"Ok, we know that now, what's the vacation?"

My mom had us sit down. "You'll love it. We'll be going to see your cousins in Indiana." Jess and I exchange looks. VenturianTale lives in Indiana. "Who are my cousins?"

"Ok, you may as well stand up because you will be in a second anyway." Jess and I stand up, extremely confused.

When she told me who my cousins are, let's just say Jess and I practically fainted.

"So... So my cousins are like, the most AMAZING YouTubers in the entire world?" I'm screaming inside my head. "Just.... Give me a sec."

I rush into a bathroom and scream. From fangirling. I come out and walk back To the kitchen with a smile. "K, I'm good."

"We are leaving in a couple days, so you two better get packed up and quick." Jess rushes off to her house and I run into my room.

I pack up the basic necessities. Bathroom things, clothing, laptop, phone, iPad, notebook, drawing utensils, other crap...

It took a while but everything was all packed up. Now we have to wait three days. Oh my god I'm gonna die.

Sorry for the short chapter. Took 15 minutes.

My weird cousins (VenturianTale)Where stories live. Discover now