Early morning wake up

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Y/n's PVO:

It was two in the morning. Holy shit was I pissed. I have a new neighbor ever since my old neighbor died... Somehow.. The new one seemed ok until the first night. Only problem, they are loud as fuck and stay up till early morning playing music on their drum set.

I have not slept decently for about two weeks straight and I. Am. Damn. Tired.
It is SUCH a bother, I have work in the morning at (pick a job) and am usually dying when I get there! I huff loudly and hit my face with a pillow a few times before getting up. That. Is. It.

I storm down the stairs for the door, completely ignoring my lack of shoes and my (revealing) f/c pajamas. No time for them! I stomp lightly out of my house, still half asleep while my feet pad on the pavement. I make it over to the the red roofed house next to mine.

I knock on the door once, twice and after a minute music stops and there's some shuffling before the door clicks open, "Can I help yo-"

I interrupt them quickly, absolutely done with their shit, "Excuse me! But I've been polite for as long as I can stand! I have been without sleep for two weeks! I will not stand for this any longer! Now! Will you just stop playing your drums so loud, so late at-"

I had finally looked at who I was talking to and registered their appearance, but DAMN they were hot. He had a red sweatshirt wrapped around his waist and hair that stuck up near his forehead in two large tufts.

His white t-shirt was airy and he wore dark shorts. His vibrant blue eyes were wide with curiosity and seemed to have widened at my appearance. My face heated up when I realized I barley had anything on but I guess he had noticed because I swear I could've caught him holding his nose to keep it from bleeding everywhere.

We held eye contact for about a solid minute dissipating to awkward blushing and him nodding at my barley covered and flushed figure. Finally he seemed to snap out of it because a smirk quickly played on his lips.

Quirking an eyebrow he held out a hand to me, "I'll make a deal with you," I cocked my head slightly, "If I stop playing so late you have to be with me for the rest of it." I felt my heart pound in my chest and my face heat more.

I looked at my toes and sucked in a breath, letting out a weak "fine." He smiled and happily pulled my waist to him, dragging me into his house. I let out a surprised Yelp as he picked me up and carried me bridal style through his house.

My arms had circled his neck to keep from falling, and I could feel the beat of his heart speed a little. Then.. He dropped me on what I assumed was his bed! I frowned but didn't have any time to argue because he automatically flopped over me.

One arm off the bed, one over me, legs half up and out like a derpy starfish. I giggled a little and shifted to be comfortable. I was so close to sleep, until I heard, "Hey."

I sighed and shifted giving a weak "hmm?" He was now obviously awake, "If we're sleeping together I should know your name." I woke up a little more at this, blushing profusely I looked to face my red sweatshirted neighbor, "It's y/n, and you?"

He smirked at me again, "Tord." I nodded, "Well then Tord, I'm going to sleep, G'night." I rolled over but before I could go much further from him his arms snaked around my waist and he pulled my back against his chest.

"Goodnight... Y/n."

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