Chapter 2 (The Orphanage)

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"Joslyn, do you really think you can take care of a child? You can barley take care of yourself, how are you suppose to take care of her?" Bethany Asked.

"Bethany, I'm 28. I can take care of a small child." I exclaimed. We started walking up the stairs to the orphanage, my anxiety started to burst throughout my body starting from my chest, than exploding like a firework, bursting through every nerve. It fills my body taking action of my fingers. Tapping them on my coat sleeve, but now I was opening the door to the orphanage. I expected to see a bright colorful room, filled with children playing, singing, and dancing. But all I saw was a line of children wearing all the same uniforms, reaching from one side of the room to the other. Instead of the bright pock a doted walls with pinks and blues, I saw grey walls, with a white trim around the bottom. All of the children were varied in age and were very unhappy. But one in particular stood out. I stared at the child, trying to Stare into her soul, find out where she came from, what her story was. Nothing, I couldn't read her, her mind was so filled with emptiness that even I couldn't understand what was wrong, and I am one of the most corrupt people in my opinion.

"I want that one." I exclaimed, pointing to her, tilting my head slightly to try to see her past. Still nothing.

"Skylar! Get over here! Ma'am I don't think you want her she has many illnesses, she is literally bipolar." Said the woman. I stared at her, as if she doesn't know who I am, my body, mind, and soul filled with anger at this woman.

"I am the root of Bipolar Disorder, I have had it for 15 years, back in the day where there was nothing to cure it, only to manage it until your time runs OUT!" I snapped. "Now, I want that one" I clenched my fists, she really didn't know.

"Now we should continue with the adoption," stuttered the lady.

After the Adoption...

"I'm out?" mumbled Skylar. Just by her body language i could tell she was stunned. I opened the car door for Skylar, nudging her to get in the car. She twitched, and got into the car.

"Skylar, how long did you live in that orphanage for?" Bethany asked, turning the key to start the car.

"Ever since I was 1, the lady said my mother couldn't take care of me anymore so she gave me away." She replied. We started to drive. "where are we going?" She asked.

"Is that why you have bipolar disorder, like me?" I asked.

"What? Oh, I think so, the orphanage never let me go to the doctors, unless it was an emergency, and when it was an emergency, I asked, and the doctor said that I did have Bipolar Disorder, but he wouldn't tell me why," she explained.

"You don't ever have to worry about that now and to lunch," Bethany exclaimed.

"Really!" Her eyes lit up. She looked so happy to finally get some attention. She looks so happy, but yet she still has depression, I guess that's the true beauty of hiding, she hides it like me, we look happy on the outside, but you looks into our eyes and you can see it. You can see our pain through our eyes.

"It's like looking in a mirror" I mumbled.

"What?" Asked Bethany.

"It's like looking in the mirror," said Skylar. I starred at her across the table, Bethany in the middle, confused.

"I guess you two will get along well." She exclaimed.

"I think so too," Skylar replied. "So, who do I call, mom?" She asked.

"Umm..." Bethany and I hummed. I nudged Bethany calling her over to me.

"Who is mom?"I whispered.

"Well, I don't know, maybe we could, um, have mom and auntie?" She whispered.

"Good plan, so you be auntie and I will be mom?" I asked.

"Sure" Agreed Bethany.

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