Tag #6

20 0 6

Made: 6-27-16
Published: 6-27-16

Hello everyone! I hope you are having a wonderful and majestic day! If not, I hope you are now! Well, I have been tagged once again! But this time by creepypasta_loverr ! First I must tell you the rules!

These are the rules:

1. You must copy all the rules.

2. You must say 13 things about yourself.

3. You must post this in a week or so.

4. You can't do it in a comment. It has to be in a book.

5. You must dare 13 or 15 people.

Well, those were the rules! Now time to list 13 things about me! :3

1. I am a Mexican! :3

2. The languages I know are English and Spanish. I can also read a very and I mean very tiny bit of German.

3. I love Anime!

4. I have one little sister, a little brother, and a older brother.

5. Sadly, I have never met my older brother in person. Actually I don't know most of my family. I only know 4 cousins, a couple of aunts and uncles, which isn't that much since my mom has about 13 brothers and sisters and they all have at least 4 children each! While my dad has a brother and sister. His sister has 3 children XD

6. My father's brother is actually my brother and I's Godfather! :3

7. I have a 8 year old aunt, meaning she is younger than me.

8. I dislike spicy food.

9. I am very shy when you first meet me, but if I warm up to you, I will be a crazy and wild girl!

10. I am somewhat insane! XD

11. I hate Donald Trump, but if you support him, I have nothing against you. We all have our own opinion so I'll respect yours. :3

12. I have the messiest room on earth! I will warn you. Don't walk in there if you want to stay alive. Q^Q

13. I love and I mean LOVE, cake! :3 (Sadly, my brother hates it! Q^Q)

People I tag (You don't have to do the tag if you don't want to):














Well, those are 13 things about me! I know I'm not a very interesting person.....so yeah! XD Anyways, I hope you guys at least enjoyed reading it. (Though I doubt you enjoyed reading boring things about me! XD) I hope you have a wonderful and majestic day! Bye bye!
~ DeathGirl27

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