Tag #16

4 1 0

Made: 12-29-16
Published: 3-9-18

Hello everyone! I hope you are having a wonderful and majestic day! If not, I hope you are now! :3

Before we start, I would like to say sorry for publishing this VERY late. Actually almost 2 years late. Like I said in the last chapter, I forgot about this book. XD

Now back to the tag! :3

I have been tagged once again, but this time by edeapenn ! :3

Random Word Tag:

Death is the Queen of Hell
Elias' sequel is still not here, but Klaus' third story is
Anime is life
The llama ate my homework
Hungry is what I always am
Guy should date Amelia
It's not fat, it's squishy muscle
Running is something I don't really do
Llamas will rule the universe
27 llamas are mad at meh (Not sure if this counts! XD)
72 LAMAS ARE AFTER MEH!!! (Still not sure! XD)

Since I don't remember how many people I was supposed to tag I'm only going to tag 5. :3

The 5 People I Tag Are (Sorry! Q^Q):






These are all the people I have tagged randomly. Except for one. Chu know who you are. I'm actually quite excited to see what you'll come up with. XD

I hope none of you guys are annoyed by this. If so, I'm sorry! T^T

I'm also once again sorry for publishing this about 2 years later than it originally was supposed to. I'm actually still kind of embarrassed for forgetting this book. Next thing you'll know, I'll be publishing the next chapter in 5 years. XD

Well, that's about it! I hope you have a wonderful and majestic day! Bye bye! :3

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