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Hewoh! My name is Kammy.

I try to make People Happy. Not just myself but others as well. I try not to show when I'm sad... Only those with Extreme powers can tell when I am.

OfficialBookOwl and fantasywriter9 are my Besties (in real life 😊) !

I love Music and Movies. My favorite Song Artist/Band is Imagine Dragons! They are amazing!!!

I'm Always up for any dare or Challenge you throw at me!

I'm the Human Pinkie Pie!!!!!

I'm 11 years old.

I'm going into 7th grade. I'm A little young. I know.

It's summer of 2016 (June 26)

My phone is at 2% (😱😫😫)

I don't get scared easily. Not even Fnaf Jump Scares

My favorite Video Games are Fnaf and Super smash bros

Favorite color is Pink!!

I look like this:

(100 Follower Special) (and why am I wearing a rainbow dash shirt?!) (I'm so ugly

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(100 Follower Special) (and why am I wearing a rainbow dash shirt?!) (I'm so ugly......)

Single? Kinda.

I have 5 older brothers and One older sister.

I'm Done? Let me know if you want to know anything else about me! Byeeee!!!

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