o2; writing

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The way to write hangul is easier than reading, but you have to know how to read in order to write.

Most korean orders are like this





I basically just made it clear that a consantant has to be first right?

But before I get into that I want to explain #4. It can only work if you're using ㅗ or ㅜ no other vowel. When you're watching a kdrama and they ask someone wae?(I need you gurlll wae?) Its actually spelled like 왜 weird right? Or gwa for example its spelled like 과 (double vowel, 1 consantant). To spell shinhwa in korean its not hard while you comfortable. Try spelling it. But dont read any farther thsn this until you have a proper answer you confident with

씬화 or another way would be 신 화 should be your answer, I dont blame you if you got it wrong, because I haven't thought you guys about double consonants yet. If you got it right, good job!

Double Consantants
ㄸ tt or dd (똥똥해) ↙Fat
ㅆ sh (Name 씨) ↙Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms Name
ㅉ jj (쩔어!)↙Dope/Sick
ㄲ kk or gg (꿋치!)↙Right!
ㅃ bb or pp (빨라개)↙Red
Try to read the hangul! Can you?

Be aware that hangul still have spaces, periods, question marks, explanation marks and so on, but the one thing they dont have is a "and" sign, you know this thing "&" so you'll have to use 그리고 which is a really long way to say and I would love to say more but this is only the 1st part of the book so... grammer is in the 2nd part of the book.



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