Selena's POV
"Selena! Come down to the living room! We have guests!" Mary yelled from the living room. "Ok mum!" I yelled back. It was a calm, Monday evening. I tided myself up and thumped down stairs.
Dylan's POV
"Dad? Where are we going?" I asked. "We're going to meet a few old friends Dylan," My Dad explained with a giant grin on his face. I wore a dull, lifeless expression just like always and got out of the car. "Come on Dylan, put a smile on your face. We don't want to look rude," Dad complained. I flashed a quick, fake smile at dad and followed him up to the door. He pushed the doorbell and waited outside the door smiling like a little girl who just got a new barbie doll. The door swung open just inches away from dad's face. "Mike!" The man standing in the doorway gives him a manly hug. A woman appeared behind the unknown man. "Welcome Mike! Please come inside and make your self comfortable." Everyone walked inside the house and sat down on white, comfy couches around a wooden, coffee table.
Selena's POV
"My lord, you've grown into a good looking, young man Dylan," Mary points out. I watched and eavesdropped from the top of the staircase. Dylan stared up from his phone upon hearing his name, "oh, thanks," Mike gave a warning stare at Dylan. He sighed and put his iPhone in his back pocket of his jeans. "Selena! Come down quickly." My dad called out making me jump. "Yes Richard Hector Westbrook," She always uses his full name when she's annoyed. Selena sighed and started to trudge down the stair case. Two unfamiliar faces caught her eye. Sitting on the couch were a short adult with thin, black hair and a tall, good looking guy about my age. She stared at the good looking boy. He had brown hair swished to the side and eyes exactly like hers. He wore a pair of dark, skinny jeans, a loose-fitting t-shirt and a black hoodie around his shoulders.
I felt a sudden sickening sensation throughout her body. A chill ran up her spine as she fully realized the cause of this sensation was her body suspended in the air. One missed step quickly turned into an entire staircase. I tumbled down the stairs landing head first at the foot of the staircase. My face was flushed with embarrassment as I rubbed her head. Great first impression. Selena cautions walked over to a chair and sat down. "Hi, I'm Selena," she introduced. Mike laughed and turned to look at her. "You don't remember me?" He said sadly. I shook my head trying to remember. "Haha that's fine, I'm Mike Carter and this is my son Dylan."
After a long conversation Dylan and I were playing on our phones while our parents talked. "Nicole was such a good friend..." Mary let out a depressed sigh, "after the accidents I felt so lonely even with little Selena with me." Selena looked up instantly at the sound of her name. "Huh? What accidents?" She questioned. "Well darling," Mike started, "when you and Dylan were little, my wife and I were great friends with your parents. Your dad got the opportunity to apply for a really good job. He applied and got the job but had to move to Australia so you guys all went to Australia. Which is where we are now. Mary? Wanna tell the rest." She nods in reply and continues the story, "after a while on the plane it went very quiet. We couldn't hear the engine. The engine had failed and everyone started to panic. We plummeted into the sea and everyone at the back survived unharmed. Except, your father. Richard suffered with brain damage and that's why he isn't talking or even listening now." Selena glanced over to her dad. It was true. He was completely lost in his own thoughts. "After Richard had his first operation I got a call from Michael with some bad news about his wife, Nicole. There had been an accident at her work place. There was a fire and sadly she didn't survive." Mary finished. "You and Dil used to play together all the time in New Zealand," Michael added. Dylan and I both looked up at Mike. "Really?" We chorused. Mary and Mike nodded with evil grins on their faces. What was going through their heads right now?
~Authors Note~
New characters :D Hope you liked this stupid chapter. I couldn't think properly alright. XD Thanks for reading! Remember to vote and comment for more!