10; yule ball

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Christmas break came and past and the students soon found themselves merely hours away from the Yule Ball. Regardless of what Avena Detroit thought or said she was actually very excited for the event. Constantly checking her hair and makeup in the mirror, the teenage girl looked beautiful. Swirling around in her midnight blue robes, small little stars speckling it. She seemed to glow, the silver jewelry that adorned her only highlighting her features.

The hallway that lead to the Great Hall was full of students, all rushing around trying to find their friends and dates. Avena stood proudly next to Harry Potter her eyes searching through the crowd trying to find Cedric. The smell of roses and the soft melodious sound of harp seeped through the cracks in the doors only egging the student's excitement. She swayed softly to the music as Harry had a wordless conversation with Ron Weasley. Occasionally she'd glance over wearily, the boys were easy to read.

Their interactions hadn't been as awkward as either had expected. Whilst both did in fact dislike each other immensely their hate for Draco overwhelmed that. Which was good, Avena supposed, for at least they would always have a topic of conversation if things were to get incredibly awkward. Both were actually in a surprisingly good mood and so far no insults had been used yet. It seemed they'd come to a quiet conclusion to stick with each other when needed but also to abandon one another at the chance.

When they'd first met up Harry had awkwardly presented her with a rose blushing and mumbling something about how Hermione had said it was polite. She'd been stunned but now the beautiful white rose sat behind her ear. Heaven forbid she almost liked it.

"You excited?" Harry asked watching as Ron was swept away by his date. A ditsy girl called Lavender Brown who did nothing but get on Avena's nerves. She looked over at him giving the boy a once over, taking in account his messy hair, scar, broken glasses and dress robes. She gave a non-committal nod before returning to searching the crowd for her Hufflepuff. Harry shrugged not really caring what she thought, his eyes landing on Draco and smug look on his face.

"Say, you're a girl..." Harry said causing her to snort and place her hands on her hips. He held up a hand in apology continuing, "Could you give me some advice?"

"Sure," Avena shrugged just wanting to waste time as it clearly was starting for several more hours. She doubted anything she said was actually going to be helpful but he didn't know that. This could be a seriously good chance to mess with the Harry Potter.

Avena eyed Draco in the corner who was looking at the two suspiciously, his arm wrapped around Pansy Parkinson. "So I like this girl...." he trailed off as she gave a snort, "Fine okay, it's Cho and I want to ask her out but apparently she has a thing for Cedric,". Avena felt like pointing out, who wouldn't but decided to listen to the teenage boy's woes anyway. "I want to ask her out but-"

She let out an exasperated gasp, feeling sorry for the boy's friends as his talking was already boring her. "Just ask her out and save me the trouble of murdering her,"

Harry Potter raised an eyebrow clearly not sure whether or not she was joking. He chooses not to answer given the fact that, frankly, she scared him. There was also the small fear that if he pissed her off he'd end up dateless. The way Harry saw it going with Avena would cause less drama then going without someone. She was no longer paying any attention to him her eyes on Cedric Diggory and Cho Chang who were making their towards the other Champions. Yet unlike the Slytherin Anastasia Cho didn't made her feel insecure in anyway. She knew she looked beautiful tonight and excluding the half veela Fleur Delacour she was by far one of the most beautiful in the room.

"Avena..." Cedric trailed off gulping. A bright red blush seeped over his cheeks as he looked at her. Avena ducked her head slightly as Cedric looked just as dashing. It was awkward, both their dates annoyed at the blushing silence. "You look beautiful," Cedric mumbled as she noticed the tips of his ears go bright pink.

"As do you," she replied before shaking her head, "I mean you look nice but not beautiful... I just- I mean you look good," Next to her Harry Potter was smirking enjoying the fact that one of his least favourite people stood tongue tied in front of him, seeing Avena Detroit somewhat powerless was a refreshing change.

Any other words that could have been said were lost as they caught sight of the doors to the Great Hall opening. Many of the students however were looking at Hermione Granger; who was Victor Krum's date and looking very beautiful. Harry cleared his throat slipping his hand around Avena's waist (Something that caused Cedric to raise an eyebrow at) and murmured something along the lines of 'We should go in,'

Traditionally at the Yule Ball the Champions started off the dance. This was something that Avena Detroit highly regretted as Harry had absolutely no clue what he was doing. They swirled around with the other six students. Of course Cho and Cedric were dancing perfectly and every time they based she had to refrain from trying to trip the girl. It came no surprise to her either that Fleur and her Ravenclaw date were dancing beautifully as well. Victor and Hermione were just a big mess as they were, a thought less than comforting. Luckily teachers flooded onto the dance floor now and other students built up the courage to dance.

Soon everyone was dancing and any mistakes they made were lost. As Cho spun around Cedric continually tried to stretch his neck not wanting to lose sight of Avena; in the large crowd it was entirely possible. As Harry stumbled was more and Avena caught sight of him, she smiled.

"I'm going to sit down," Harry called out, clearly over dancing as he let go of her hand. Avena waved him off walking in a different direction. She didn't have to spend time with him anymore, they'd fulfilled their parts of the deal. She found a small table in the corner that was empty except for the rose flower arrangements that stood in the center. She sat down sighing heavily watching people dance, fight and drink a suspiciously large amount of punch.

"Hey Avena," Cedric pulled a chair next to her flashing her a grin. Next to her Cho stood flashing her a deadly look. "And what are you doing here?" she tilted her head smiling up at Cho. The Ravenclaw huffed crossing her arms. "He's my date-" she began but Avena held up a hand,

"Well your dates over now," She shooed her away, the pretty Ravenclaw letting out a growl of annoyance but ultimately not putting up a fight. Cedric shook his head, half annoyed half amused. She was proud of herself, sitting up straight watching the annoying girl stalk off. Undoubtedly a new annoying rumour would be spread about Avena.

"You look gorgeous tonight," Cedric said, he was confident now flashing her that megawatt grin she adored.

"I know," She flicked her hair only for him to shake his head.

"No you don't," He whispered leaning forward. And then she and Cedric Diggory kissed and it wasn't like the others that had been spiteful but real. If anything it as magical.


Above is the moodboard I made for Avena. It be fly

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