13; lazy days

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Avena snorted placing the ludicrous article Rita Skeeter had written about Harry Potter down on the grass playing with Cedric's hair. He was leaning against her shoulder mumbling to himself, trying to memorize his notes for one of his subjects. The sun shined in his hair making some strands appear golden in the light, fitting for the Golden Boy of Hogwarts.

One of the things that Avena had enjoyed greatly this year was Rita Skeeter's articles. Whilst a majority of the things she had written weren't true in the slightest she still read them devotionally. The fact it constantly put Potter in a bad limelight was also highly enjoyable. Maybe next time she saw the reporter she'd spin a cock and bull story about Draco Malfoy.

Rita had approached her several times in an attempt to get her to spread lies or 'spill the beans' on Harry Potter. She may have agreed on an earlier date but, and she did still highly dislike him, her hate for him had simmered down slightly. Her hate for lots of people have actually, Cedric had such a good influence on her. Many students had noticed that since they had 'gotten together' Avena had become a nicer person, heck she'd actually helped one or two first years who'd gotten lost. If that wasn't character development what was?

In a way Malfoy had almost given up, she no longer had any rash encounters with him and if anything he practically ignored her now. Of course that didn't stop him flirting with every girl in the vicinity if he ever saw her... However, that was relevant as he was smart enough to work out when someone just wasn't interest anymore and be it as he was, a small part of him knew she deserved better. Wanted her to have better.

Speculation over what the Third Task might be was running wild throughout the school but both Avena and Cedric choose not to talk about it, besides they had weeks before it occurred. Of course that didn't stop the excitement, soon a champion would be crowned. A majority of students had accepted it would most likely to be Harry Potter because he was 'The Boy Who Lived' or as Avena preferred, 'The Boy Who Got Away with Everything,'

She played with Ced's hand as he continued to mumble things to himself, he paused occasionally to look over at her adorned fingers, her jewels flashing in the light. Somehow she always managed to seem elegant and powerful, which truthfully she was, even in this most unneeded of moments.

"I heard Macmillan saw Orla Quirke making out with Stewart Ackerley behind the Rowena Ravenclaw statue," Avena said causing Cedric to chuckle and put down his book.

"Doubt it, I heard Ackerley has a rather bad crush on Anastasia," he said indifferent. She frowned, still feeling a small rush of anger at the sound of Anastasia Smirkish's name. Now it seemed obvious to her that Anastasia clearly wasn't the only other girl Draco had been with. One had to work their way up a ladder to get to her ladder.

Avena didn't care very much anymore, out of the confusion she'd gotten Cedric Diggory and he was ten times the man Draco would ever be. That didn't stop the hurt though, she had generally trusted Draco, thought their relationship would last so much longer that it actually. The hurt from that didn't go away instantly.

"I'm glad I kissed you that one day and I'm glad you kissed back," she whispered. Her cheeks were bright red but that could just have easily been blamed on the sunshine. Cedric paused propping himself up on his shoulders and looked into her eyes calmly. It unnerved her slightly causing her mouth to form in a straight line as she raised an eyebrow.

"I'm glad you did too," he said, not whispering but no shouting either. It was in a calm, musical tone... It something she had never noticed before, just like how his grey eyes seemed to be flecked with silver.

It seemed right so she leant forward and placed a quick little peck on his lips before pulling back. He pouted and it wasn't like she could resistant another one. The kisses reminded her of the Yule Ball, there was the same type of magic to it, her heart still seemed to want to burst out of her chest.

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