Chapter 7

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The Social Experiment, Chapter 7

Lila's P.O.V.

I quickly turn away from Blake's piercing gaze and look down to my lap. Mr. Nix stands up and begins to applaud me.

The rest of the class quickly follows along with the applause.

"That was wonderful, Lila. Why don't you take a seat in between Matt and Blake " Mr Nix asks me.

I turn towards where I know Blake was sitting, grab my books from where I left them and begin to walk towards where he is.

I look a little to Blake's left and see the boy from my english class, Matt, is sitting on the other side of the spare seat. He raises his hand in greeting, a smile gracing his gorgeous face.

I smile back and sit down in the seat.

"That was really good, Lila." Matt says as soon as I sit down.

"Thanks, I've been playing music since before I could walk and talk." I jokingly tell him whilst heat, that will no doubt be a blush, spreads across my cheeks.

"Alright Guys and Gal, settle down." Mr. Nix yells over the top of the chatter throughout the room. "We have a double period today, so I am just going to start the term by giving you all an assignment."

A series of groans immediately fill the amphitheatre, one coming from me.

Don't get me wrong; I love school. But I don't necessarily beg for the day when a teacher gives us an assignment.

"Oh hush up you babies." Mr. Nix says, "Because this is your last semester at the school, you will be paired with someone in the class and you must come up with a musical item. The criteria will be emailed to all of you, but for now: I'll give you your partners and you can use the rest of the lesson to start brainstorming ideas."

I look around the room and spot Adam looking at me with a grin. I hope that means that Adam has talked to Mr. Nix and is my partner, I'm not sure I would want to be partners with anyone else, besides maybe Matt, he seems nice enough and we already have an english assignment together.

"Okay, first pair is Jordan and Zach. Next is Callum and...."

I zone out for the next few pairs, I wonder what Maddy is doing now.

"And last, but most definitely not least, Lila and Adam. Now everyone split up into your pairs and get started." Mr. Nix finishes. With a clap his hands, he turns towards a table with a lot of sheet music piled up onto it, which I would assume is his desk, kicks his feet up and puts in some headphones.

"So what do you want to do?" A cheery voice says from my right.

I look to Adam and shrug, "Well maybe we could so a song. What instruments do you play?" I ask him.

"Well not nearly close to as many as you, but a few. Mainly guitar and piano." He says, a grin spread across his face.

"Do you sing?" I ask him.

Immediately, a snort sounds from the right of me, I look over to Blake only to find him shaking with laughter.

"Adam thinks he can sing, but anyone who has ever heard him sing in the shower will passionately argue against him on that subject." He chuckles, his amused gaze on a mockingly outraged Adam.

"Mum says that I'm a great singer!" Adam whines, his laughter barely contained.

"I know she says that, but she also said that I'm ugly. And we all know that isn't the case." He says, a confident smirk taking over his beautiful features.

Adam rolls his eyes and leans over the side of his seat and starts rummaging through his bag.

Suddenly, mint breath fans across my ear, sending warm shivers down my spine to my toes and back. My breathing hitches when a barely audible voice rings in my ears, "Isn't that right, Lila?", Blake says before returning back to his original position.

The thing about blushing is that most people get a faint dusting on their cheeks - maybe the tips of their ears in extreme cases- but with me...

It. Completely. Takes. Over.

From the ends of my toes, along my neck, tenfold on my cheeks and then to my ears and back. Quickly I try to pull my hair out of its ponytail to cover my face.

"Hey, Lila, are you ok? You seem a little hot?" Adam says, coming back up from his bag with a notebook.

"She's fine." The same voice from a few seconds ago says to Adam, "It's just a little hot in here."

I nod my head furiously and shuffle closer to Adam and further away from a certain adonis. I take Adam notebook out of his hand, along with his pen and write 'brainstorming for music performance' in bubble writing at the top of the page.

When I finish I hand the book back to Adam.

"Really?" He asks in an incredulous voice, "Did you have to make it bubble writing? Could you not have done it in your book instead of mine?" He continues.

A laugh bursts from my lips and I take the book back from him, only to dot the 'i's with hearts.

"That's it. I'm getting a new book. Take the monstrosity that insults my manliness away." He says, playfully shoving the book back into my hands.

He then bends over to probably grab another book from his bag, so I quickly turn to Blake.

"You know I'm going to get whiplash from your mood swings soon?" I say.

"Well we wouldn't want that happening now would we?" He says, a mischievous smirk overtaking his features.

Then the bell rings, the rest of the class quickly packing their things away. Rushing to get home.

I get up and walk with Adam back to my locker. We don't miss out on the catcalls and wolf whistles that seem to be my theme music when walking anywhere.

After shutting my locker, I feel a tap on my shoulder.

I whip my head around to find it is the boy from earlier in the cafeteria. I take a quick step back to distance myself from him before crossing my arms and looking at him with what I hope is an intimidating look.

"Hey... I'm sorry about earlier. I was really rude and deserved what I got.... At least I hope I did because, damn - you can hit." He says, his tone lightening at the end.

I sigh before swinging my bag over my shoulder and looking at him.

"I forgive you." I say, his face lifting, I quickly continue before he says anything, "But that doesn't mean that I think that what you did was ok. I'm a girl. Not a new booty call for you." I finish, he nods.

"I know. I was just wondering if you would be ok if we started over?" He asks me.

"I think that would be a good idea." I tell him, holding out my hand, "I'm Lila Blackwell, nice to meet you." I say, a smile on my face.

"Hayden Cross. The pleasure is all mine." He says in a posh accent.

"Lila, we've gotta get home!" Adam's voice calls from down the hall, where his locker is.

"Well, that's my cue to leave. I'll see you around, Hayden." I say before walking down the hall and then exiting the school towards Adam's car with him.

"How was today, Princess? Not too hard for your prodigious brain?" He says teasingly.

"No, not too hard." I laugh as we get into the car and begin the drive home.


I know: I'm a crappy updater. I'm really sorry but there was just so many things going against me getting this chapter up its kind of ridiculous.

Hayden Cross played by the delicious Colton Haynes... I really do have a very shmexy cast... *puts tongue back in my mouth and wipes drool of of chin*

Next update on Sunday if I don't have too much homework, hopefully.

Until next time: Vote, Follow, Comment, Share

~ Grace Xx

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