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A complete redo! Sorry if not well written! I no good at grammar..

"Hey, Minx!"

A student shouted as he ran through the halls, waving his hands in the air with a huge grin on his face, his, of course, gained the attention of most bystanders. He sported a nice Mario cap which hid curly brown hair. Not something you really see everyday. The student that the young man was calling to suddenly stopped in her tracks. That voice... She thought as her eyes widened and a smile creeped along her milky white face don't tell me that that's... As she turned around, she confirmed that, indeed, her thoughts were correct. It's Anthony! Her smile got even wider, which got the attention from some people that were passing by,

"She looks creepy..." A girl whispered to one of her friends, thinking that the smiling woman, also known as Minx, didn't hear it.

She did, she just didn't care right now.

The reason she was so happy to see this seemingly normal guy was because of what he had done for her. Anthony, better known as Chilled, was the one that pulled her out of the slump she was in. He was the one that helped her love again. Her first days of school were pretty normal... Up to the point she got that call. She never knew how much life could change in a mere 30 seconds.

Minx remember the day like it was yesterday. It was a cold night in her home town, Bakewell, and she was just done watching doing her favorite activity, watching a horror movie with a friend in pitch darkness. After the final jumpscare, there was a high pitched scream followed by some laughing. Minx's friend, Alice, was currently covering her eyes with a blanket, almost like how a knight would use it's shield to block enemy arrows...Nevermind, it was nothing like that. The human burrito was still shaking with fear, all while Minx was laughing at how cheesy the movie was. After her laughter died down, she then got up to comfort Alice, still grinning at how loud she shrieked. As she got up though, the house phone rang, interrupting a possible friendship bonding moment.

Hmm.. Wonder who could be calling was what minx thought.

Hmm.. Wonder if this is how I die was what Alice thought.

After a couple of seconds of hearing the phone's, now annoying, musical high pitched shriek. Minx began to make her through the darkness to reach the phone before she was interrupted again by a shaky voice that emitted from her weak minded friend.

"You're just gonna leave me in the darkness?!" Alice whisper shouted as she clutched her warm and fuzzy "shield" closer to her chest.

Minx then began to turn around with a mischievous smile on her face.

"Of course no-AHHHGHHHH" Minx shouted as she pretended to be dragged into the darkness of her hallway, and to add more emphasis as she grabbed onto the wall in a desperate attempt to stay where she was. But her attempts were futile, as she was still "dragged" into the darkness.

Not even Minx was prepared for the loud shout which earned her a couple of neighborhood dogs barking at the sudden loudness of the previously quiet night. After a couple of seconds of torment for the girl, Minx came out laughing hard as ever. She had barely any strength to dodge the pillows that were being thrown at her way, taking them all as she tried to control her laughter.

After many apologies were said and hugs were given, Minx then stood up to get something to drink, only to remember about the phone, which surprisingly was still ringing.

"Oh! The phone!" Minx said as she began to start her run towards the phone, only to be interrupted again by the girl.

"Wait! At least turn on the light!" She half-shouted, her voice was drained after all that screaming

Minx quickly nodded as she ran out to the hallway, turning on the lights on her way out. She didn't want to keep whoever was calling waiting hopefully it's my parents! She smiled as she walked towards the phone.

Once she reached the phone however, the call stopped. She was too late. She then looked at the phone kind of disappointed over the fact that she lost a chance to talking with her parents after so long. She then realized that whoever was calling called at least 10 times! Woah... they sure are persistent she thought as she decide to wait for it to ring again. After a couple seconds of waiting, the phone rang. Minx then hurrily grabbed the phone before they could give up on calling.

She could hear was sounded like crying at first, which, believe it or not, made Minx kind of nervous. After crying for a couple of seconds, the voice on the other side started to say something. "Minx.." The voice sounded so broken, so lifeless. Almost as if they had no reason to live anymore. Minx barely recognized the voice as her Aunt, Eleanor Smith. Pushing back the fact her voice sounded so lifeless, Minx believed she just wanted to check on her, thinking that 16 is still not an age to be allowed to stay home alone for so long. She then responded.

"Oh hey, Auntie Eleanor! I keep on telling you, I'm 16, I can handle being al-" that was when the biggest bomb was beginning to set off in heart.

"M-Minx...I'm so sorry...they're dead..." The weak voice of Minx's usually happy aunt came through the phone, her sobs beginning to make the phone's mic crackle.

At first, Minx didn't understand. Who died? Was the only thing Minx was trying to figure out. She didn't even realize it when her friend came out to tell her that she heard a noise in the kitchen.

"It was your mother and father...they died on a plane crash..." Boom the bomb had just exploded on Minx's heart and shattered it into a million pieces.

Minx just stood there, phone still to her ear, as she could still hear her Aunt's crying begin to get louder and louder. Unlike her Aunt, Minx was silently crying as she was still coming to cope with all that has just happened. Then everything stopped. Or everything just seemed to move really slow. The last little bit of that memory is still blurry. All she remembers is hearing her friend scream as Minx began to fall to the floor, phone still in her hand, and everything turning black.

After that day, Minx would rarely ever come out of her room. She was sent to the United States to go live with an aunt on her dad's side of the family. Why didn't she go with Aunt Eleanor? After a week of the grim news, police were sent to an apartment due to the neighbors complaining about a horrible smell. Upon opening the door, the police found a body of an elderly woman hanging on the ceiling with a noose fashioned out of old dresses. The body was covered with maggots and cockroaches were running on the ground. The carpet hard due to the dried blood that was scattered all over it. All over the room there was writings on the wall, some in what seemed like blood, and some with marker. They all said messages, such as: I shouldn't have told them to go on the trip, I should've stopped them, I'm so sorry Michele, I'm so sorry Susan, and I'm so sorry Dave. Next to her now rotting corpse, there was a bloodied note with only one word on it:


A/N Too...damn...tired... I hope watt pad doesn't take it down for the mention of blood and all 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2016 ⏰

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