Chapter one- loose curls

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“NIALL!” I yelled, trying to compete with the monstrous music but my voice was probably unheard.  The blasting tunes bounced from wall to wall, pounding my eardrums. The loud rhythm overcame my heartbeat. I was extremely light-headed. 

“Niall, where are you?” I kept searching for him. I pushed through the crowd, accidently stepping on someone’s foot. “God, watch where you’re going bitch!” I quickly rolled my eyes.

My vision was going blurry, what was wrong with me? I kept on falling onto people, receiving negative reactions and a lot of  ‘fuck you’s. I tried to stand up straight but it felt like I had no control of my legs. Someone grabbed my ass but I simply ignored it and grasped a chair nearby to monitor my balance. I needed some fresh air so I ventured outside, stumbling with every food step.

“Are you out here niall?"

It was quite cold outside and seemed to be completely empty. 

I glanced around, looking for my reckless best friend but there was no sight of him. I was about to make my way back into the club until I felt a hand strongly grip onto my arm, throwing me back outside.

“Hey babe”

He let go of me.

I jumped in fright, “oh my god, you scared the shit outta me!” My heart was rapidly racing.

A tall figure appeared in the darkness, casted by a long shadow. I could barely see his face but his mischievous smirk was dominant. That definitely wasn’t Niall, considering that he was pretty small.

There was complete silence between us, besides the sound of light traffic and muffled voices and music coming from inside the club. 

“So, um yeah... I’m going back inside”, I announced.

Who was this creep?

“Wait, don’t leave,” he calmly walked out of the dark and placed his arm above me, leaning against the brick wall.

It look me a moment to process how gorgeous he was. His face was so close to mine, his eyes looking deeply into me. They were a soft brown with a hint of green and I swore they glistened against the dim provided light. The smell of Africa linx swirled in the air. Yum, I sighed. His long messy curls nicely framed his gentle face. They were swept to one side. Our eyes immediately interlocked, they had such intensity.

“Why did you grab me?” I abruptly questioned.

“You’re just…you’re so beautiful,” he enhanced his words, sounding like he was compulsive for me. He said it with such passion and…hunger.

I didn’t feel flattered at all.

“Uh, thanks?” I half-smiled, trying to be polite.

Before I knew it, his supple lips encountered mine. They were soft and filled with moisture. I could feel his cute nose right against my face. It seemed pleasurable until the kiss became intense as he slipped his tongue into my mouth, searching inside of it. I tried jerking him off but he stuck onto me.

“What are you doing?” I yelled, trying my hardest to push him away. 

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