Chapter 4

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a/n ~ in this chapter we finally meet Kate.

  Lola's POV:

I walked out of the building extremely happy until I saw a cop giving me a ticket. 

"No no no officer I can explain." I screamed as I ran over to him and my jeep.

Then I explained how I couldn't get a ticket and then tried to hit on him because man was he hot. But then I got interrupted by what sounded like classical music.

"What the heck I mumbled." As I reached for what sounded like a phone.

But what I found was Jenny's phone and it was a blocked number. The officer asked if it was my boyfriend and I tried to play it cool but failed, so I just answered the phone.

*Phone Call* (Z - Zac/ L - Lola)

L- Hello stranger who is interrupting my day.

Z- Hey Jenny it's Zac, and I just scored tickets to the Psychic Rockets concert tonight. Do you want to come with me.

L- Sweet I love that band (crap I just remembered the cops still here) but I hate concerts so bye Zeke.

  *End Of Phone Call*

  Lola's POV:

Once I hung up I tried to get out of the ticket, but apparently he's a new cop and had to follow the rules and crap so now I have to pay $80. How the heck am I supposed to get $80. And then to make the situation worse that stupid music starts playing again.

  *Phone Call* (L - Lola/ A - Mrs. Anderson)

L- Hello

A- Hi Jenny I'm so sorry to bother you but did you find anyone to babysit? I'll pay double.

L- *ding lightbulb* of course I found someone, my good friend Lola she's very responsible.

A- Great Jenny thank you so much good bye.

L- Bye

  *End Of Phone Call*

  Jenny's POV:

Ugh I have to go home and grab something before I head to the Coopers. And it happens to be my obnoxious sister who has to come with me so she can see how a responsible person ask. Psh as if she'll ever be responsible.

"Kate lets go I need to be there now." I screamed up to my sister who was probably locked in her room.

  Kate's POV (finally!!!) :

Ugh I have to go to my sisters stupid babysitting job like could my life possibly get any worse. Well hopefully it'll be the Anderson's so that I can be with Trey. I mean he's the first person I've ever had a crush on and being with him all night would be the best night ever. But with my luck she's probably babysitting the Coopers. But I guess we'll find out soon.

a/n ~ well I guess this is kind of a cliffhanger for those of you who haven't seen the movie, but if you have you'll know who she's babysitting. But anyways thank you guys so so much for reading I can't believe it has over 200 reads in only a couple days.

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