Chapter 3

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a/n ~ wow I couldn't have ever imagined having this many reads after just one day thank you guys so much. And I forgot to mention that the beginning will also include some of Lola's point of view. And I will try to update every day.

  Lola's POV:

I ran around the room putting the finishing touches on my canvas for my photography internship with the one and only Mr. Vasquez. Whoever it is running against me is gonna need all the luck they can get because this is what I was born to do. I even skipped out on college because what artist goes to college? Oh crap I'm gonna be late better run.

  *In The Car*

People in this town drive wayyyy too slow its so stupid. Especially this one blonde chick who's doing god knows what, so I'm just gonna pass her I mean no harm no foul am I right?

  Jenny's POV:

"I'm livin on the wild side wild side." I sang out but soon stopped remembering I had to be 100% serious to be prepared for this internship.

Then to make things even more stressful this morning, some crazy lady in a very oddly decorated jeep zoomed past me. Like what the heck is wrong with people these days you're not the only one with some place to go.

  *At Mr. Vasquez's Office*

I perfectly parked my car right in between two other cars, while that nut job who passed me earlier parked hers on the curb like she owned the place.

"Jenny don't worry about others mistakes you are talented you are a true artist focus on yourself and this internship." I had to tell myself as I paced around the room.

"Excuse me could you tell Mr. Vasquez I'm here for the photography internship, that would be great." A cocky girl with a smoothie in her hand asked me acting like I was some servant or something.

"Actually I don't work here I'm also a finalist for the internship." I started, then proceeded to tell her about my good grades until I got interrupted by a phone call.

*Phone Call* (J= Jenny/ A= Mrs. Anderson)

J- Mrs. Anderson hello how are you?

A- Hello Jenny I'm wonderful, but I was wondering if you could babysit tonight because my niece fell through?

J- I'm sorry Mrs. Anderson but I'm already babysitting for the Coopers tonight, but I'll let you know if I think of anyone.

A- Alright thank you Jenny, goodbye.

*End Of Phone Call*

Lola's POV:

"Really you babysit too? Could you possibly be anymore boring than I already think you are?" I asked Jenny when she got off the phone.

But just as she was about to answer, Mr. Vasquez arrived. Then we both jumped up causing us both to drop our phones, and me to drop my smoothie. As we both reached to get out phones, there were whispered remarks, but I was too excited for what Mr. Vasquez was going to say to us.

He then gave me the best information ever, which was to take more photos and to be creative and express ourselves. But Jenny on the other hand seemed outraged by the idea and stormed off mumbling something about it being unfair. But who cares about her, I'm so excited to see what adventures I get on camera to win this internship.

a/n ~ just to let you guys know, I will be following the story line, but especially with the beginning I'm gonna be going off a little bit just so that we can get to Kate and Trey quicker. And next chapter is the moment you've all been waiting for, you'll finally meet Kate.

One Wild Adventure (Trey Anderson)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora