CloTi part 6

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I don't know why but to me this photo so cute, okay you may now continue reading.
The day after Cloud had left, Tifa stood at the sink in Seventh Heaven, washing dishes. Denzel and Marlene sat at the counter watching her as she scrubbed vigorously at a plate that was already clean. "That jerk," she said, speaking of Cloud. "How could he just leave like that? Leaving all his friends and family. And for what!? A child that has no idea where she came from!? Trying to help her remember her past! How ridiculous! They'll be searching forever!"
"Maybe Cloud has more reasons than just trying to help Yumikia remember her past," Denzel said.
"Yeah!" Marlene agreed. "Cloud might have other reasons! I'm sure of it!"
"Maybe he does. But still, it's no excuse to just leave unexpectedly," Tifa said defiantly.
Vincent walked into the room. "Cloud has reasons for everything he does, Tifa," Vincent said having overheard their conversation. "And every reason he has, is a good reason in his eyes. And we all know that Cloud does his own thing whenever he wants and there's no one to stop him." He paused. "Ya know, before Cloud asked you to marry him, he told me that he was planning on leaving. But I could tell by his eyes that he was hoping for a reason to stay. Only now do I realize that he wanted that reason to be you."
"Well, that's too bad. Cloud took too long in asking so I moved on," Tifa retorted. "Peter is my lover now."
Vincent looked at the kids sitting at the counter. "Why don't you guys go play?" he told them. Vincent took a seat at the counter, and, once the kids were out of earshot, he said, "Tifa, all of us in AVALANCHE have a bad feeling about Peter. I didn't want to say anything at first but now I think I should. Tifa, it's not like you to date someone who would insult your friends. So my question is: 'Why are you dating Peter?'"
"I don't remember Peter insulting anyone. Did he insult you, Vincent?"
"No. But Cloud told me about that night when Peter mentioned Zack and Aerith. He told me what Peter said to him. Tifa, what he said was insulting to Cloud and you know it. I just don't understand why you didn't do anything. Normally, you would punch them so hard they'd kiss the moon. But you didn't. Now answer my question. Why are you dating Peter?"
"Why do you need to know?"
"Because. Tifa, all of us are worried that he might have something over you."
Tifa slowly put down the glass she cleaned. It took her a minute to answer. "Well, all of you would be wrong then. Peter and I love each other and-"
Vincent cut her off. "No you don't. I can see that. Everyone can see it. Even Yuffie sees it, and she's an idiot. We all look at Peter and we see someone who is the biggest jerk on the planet despite being incredibly short. Tell me the real reason. And I want the truth, Tifa. No lies."
"I don't know what to tell you, Vincent. You guys are seeing something that isn't there. Peter has nothing over me. And he is very sweet. He's just a little socially awkward and doesn't know what to say sometimes."
"But-" Vincent began.
Anger swelled inside Tifa. "Vincent, back off! There is nothing going on! Peter isn't threatening me!"
Vincent raised an eyebrow. "Who said anything about threats?"
Tifa's eyes blazed with anger. "VINCENT VALENTINE, GET OUT OF MY BAR!"
Without a word, Vincent stood and walked toward the door, slamming it forcefully as he walked out. He summoned Chaos and flew toward Cid's house.


Vincent landed outside of Cid's house and turned back into his old self before walking in the house without knocking. Cid sat on the couch tinkering with new gadgets. He looked up as Vincent walked to his side. "Ya know, Vincent, there's this new thing lately. It's called 'knockin','" Cid said, slightly irritated.
"Sorry, but I think something important has come up and we need Yuffie and the others to come over. Everyone but Tifa."
"And why not Tifa?"
"Because what we need to talk about is about Tifa."
"And her snot-nosed jerk of a boyfriend?"
Cid put down his new toys and stood. "Well, what're we waiting for? A cue? Let's get them all over here!" Within minutes, Cid and Vincent had called everyone but Tifa asking to meet up at Cid's house. Cid hung up the last call. "Well, that should be the last of 'em. Now we wait for everyone to show up."
Vincent nodded. He looked at the table that Cid had all his gadgets on. "So what are you working on?"
"Oh, nothin' special. Just a few things to help me around the house. Just don't seem to have enough hours in the day to get everythin' done."
"Well, that's probably because you spend all your time upgrading and building things. Do you ever take a break from this stuff?"
"Hah! Not a chance! I want to spend the rest o' my life upgrading and building!"
"Hm. I see. Well, your life will certainly be full of gadgets when your older." Just as they finished speaking, a knock sounded at the door.
Cid walked over to answer it. "Ya hear that, Vincent? That's the knockin' I was talkin' 'bout."
As soon as he opened the door, Yuffie jumped into the room. "Yuffie Kisaragi here! Now what's so important that we had to get over here ASAP?"
"We can't tell you until everyone is here," Vincent said. "It would save the trouble of having to explain everything over and over."
"So what am I supposed to do while we wait?" Yuffie whined.
"I don't know. Find a way to entertain yourself without destroying anything or hurting yourself," Vincent answered.
"Just what do you take me for?" she asked defensively.
"A tomboy who can't seem to do anything without hurting herself or breaking something," Vincent answered in a matter-of-fact way.
Yuffie was about to make a comeback when everyone else showed up one after another. Everyone except for Cloud and Tifa were there. Vincent stood near the doorway with his foot propped up on the wall and his arms crossed while everyone else found a place to sit or a place to stand around the table Cid was working at. Barrett crossed his arms and said, "So what the heck is so important that we had to get over here so quickly?"
"It's about Tifa and Peter," Cid answered. Suddenly the room went into an uncomfortable silence as everyone stared at Cid. "I dunno all the details, but Vincent here seems to think that somethin's up."
All eyes turned to Vincent. He put his foot down and uncrossed his arms. "I think Peter might be holding something against Tifa," he said. When questioned, he described his experience with Tifa at Seventh Heaven. "The last thing she said before telling to get out was that Peter wasn't threatening her. But during the entire conversation, not once did I mention threats."
"So you think Peter is threatening the lass?" Cait Sith asked.
Vincent nodded. Yuffie stood. "I agree with Vincent," she declared. "I didn't want to say anything, but once, I was walking by the bar and I heard arguing. When I looked into the window, I saw Tifa and Peter arguing. They were fighting about Cloud. Peter said something really mean about Cloud, I don't remember what it was, but when Tifa tried to rush to Cloud's defense, Peter slapped her."
Barrett looked at Vincent. "So what do you think we should do?" he asked.
Vincent scanned the faces in the room before answering. "We need to get a hold of Cloud and tell him what we think is going on. Since Cloud is closer to Tifa than any of us, I think he should be the one to handle this."
Reeve looked a little concerned. "Are you sure about that? Don't you think that Cloud would explode with anger and try to kill Peter?"
"It's a good chance, but Cloud is still the one who should handle this," Vincent said with determination. The rest of the group consented and went home soon after.
Cid and Vincent remained. "So which of us is gonna call Cloud?"
"I'll call him when I get home," Vincent answered, walking out and leaving Cid to tinker with his toys

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