Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

It's been over a year since the cursed Volturi killed my parents, been running ever since. Hoping that maybe if I run they lose track and can't find me. Aro, his brothers Marcus and Caisus held me for two days and explained to me all about vampires and the rules.I learned that I had a few more powers like, I can turn into three different animals. Cool isn't it, I like to think so.

My final destination is Forks, Washington. A small rainy town with no more population than my last school, but I once lived here till I was six. Hopeflly, i will find some manner of peace before I move on again. Who knows maybe I'll stay the rest of the year before they come for me.

Ah this is it, a small two bedroom house on the edge of Forks with blue walls and plenty of land, privacy to practice my powers.

I got out of my b;ue truck and slammed the door.  Making sure no one was around I used my power to make the rain, well rain around me. Ah,nothing like a good power exercise to brighten my day. While I was a kid I remeber that I had two best friends named Jacob Black and Bella Swan. I heard she just moved back a few years ago, maybe I'll go see her. If I can remeber her adress, of course.

I detected a rustle in the bushes and looked over quickly. Eyes shone out at me and  could see the outline of a unnaturally big black wolf.

I calmly took a step forward, which seemed to suprise him and said, "Shoo, go on I don't need any wolves out here. i have enough problems with the vamps. Now get."

The wolf growled at the word vamps and took off. I snorted, that was strange back to moving in. This house is going to need a lot of work no one has lived in it for eleven years, since my family and I moved out. 

Guess it's time to do the boring part, moving in and unpacking. Whoo-hoo.

 Love Story by Taylor Swift blared from the radio. I am on my way to Chief Swan's house to see Bells, shes gonna be suprised. We were the closest and i kept contact with her until a year ago I couldn't risk her getting into trouble if the Volt-  I mean they didn't keep their promise.

The house didn't change at all I'm guessing Bells didn't either, still clumsy and shy but a good friend to have around I'm going to need that.

The sidewalk was slippery, but I managed to stay upright and knock on the door.

A man with warm brown eyes and a slight wrinkly face answered,"Is that you, Alex? We haven't heard from you since your parent's funeral. I'm sorry about them, but it's great to see you!"

I was then swept up in a giant bear hug that reminded me of my father. Charlie was an akward man, he warmed up to me eventually and now treats me as a second daughter.

"Bells is at school are you going too."

"Ya charlie I'm  going to school, I needed something to do today. So I came to visit and wait for Bells."

Charlie told me all about the infamous Edward and the incident in Arizona, the depression after he left, and the disappearing for three days. Quite the guy Bells has got.Charlie hates Edward, but I'm gonna hold on my judgement.

Speaking of her that's her truck coming up the drive. The doorbell wriggled and I can hear her clumsy footsteps in rounding the hall.

 I can say she still looks the same.

 "Alex is that you?"

Next thing I knew I was in a hug eerily similar to Charllie's.

"It's been long," I said to Bella.

"Ya, why'd you stop calling me," she said laughingly, but then she hit me in the arm. "I've been worried sick. You just stoped calling me. What happened?"

"Just some things," I replied vaguely, "How's Jake? I have't talked to him in as long as you."

"He's been good we all have. Let's go up to my room and talk."

That is how I ended up laughing, for the first time in over a year, with Bella.

What if I fall, Just get back up again(A Twilight Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now