Chapter 4

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                                                            Chapter 4

The sun glinted off the sphere of water I had created in the backyard.  Since there are other paranormals out there I decided to learn to use my powers to my own advanage: Self Defense, I practice my powers at least once a week. I have to say myself I'm pretty good. I use water to suffocate, air to catch off balance, earth to create obstales, and lastly fire to burn and defend.

It's been two days since I visited La Push, the bonfire is in two days. The guys are great, Paul has still been watching me, but Jake and I have ccaught up and we're back to being best friends. Bella doesn't hang around us as much as she used to, we still have fun though . I've gotten to get to know that Cullens and I can't decide if their vampires or not. For one their eyes, for another they just seem to nice. I did some research and found an article on mysterious disaperances in Seattle, maybe that's the hunting ground.

Lately I've been noticing the same black wolf from before has been hanging around watching me. I wonder what he wants, can't be to important.

The sun's coming up it's time for school. Todays Thursday and I can't wait for school to be over.

Saturday's the bonfire and Edward seemed reluctant to let Bella go but finally relented after a few minutes. I can be very persuasive *wink wink*.

I hoped in my car and was on the highway to hell. Let's say it was a very wet highway.

Good, I'm here I was getting bored with my own ranting, how sad is that. Bella was waiting the parking lot with Edwards arm over her shoulder, the other were around them.I climbed out of my car and walked over to the group.

Everyone still watched the Cullens and I like thay couldn't believe another new kid got into that group.

"Yay, your here you coming over today," Alice chirpped as she seemed dance over to me.

"Sure," I replied, " got nothing better to do."

"Then let's head to school," Rose butted in. She still looks down her nose at me. I can't figure out what I did to offend her.

School was school and I'm glad it's over. I met Jessica today, she tried to make me her friend but I could tell she was all fake, I also don't need to get attached anymore than I already am.

Today I decided to take a run in the forest in my wolf form. I have three forms my  white lioness of course, but my white wolf, and the white eagle form.  My powers have definitly grown siynce them.

The drive was short, and I had to be extra careful cause' its was raining so hard. My house seemed so lonely compared to the bustle of the school, it was times like these that m parents deaths still hit me. That is why I go running as often as I can, feelings are much more black and white in animal form. I don't think as much with the wind in my fur or feathers it's all instinctual, no emotion. I just let go.

I climbed out of my car and looked around seeing nobody was there I walked up to my door and droped the bag just in the inside. Taking off running I jumped in the air, much hire than any human, and transformed into my brilliant white wolf with stunning, ice blue eyes.

It took a minute to get used to the four legs and slipped through the animal-made trail and into the forest. I am one with my animal side. All that I remeber is letting my inner animal take over and just enjoying the scenery.

That was until I was bowled over by a blur. Looking around I spotted a flash of red hair. There it was again. It can't be anything but a vampire, maybe a rogue.

The vampire jumped out of the trees. It was Victoria, I had met her and and the two others, James and Laurant, about six months ago they tried to make me thier meal. I sure showed them.

"Oooh do we have another mutt. You gonna chase me again?" Her voice was chimed so similar to bells.

What did she mean mutt? I'm human and again. Are there others like me out there? I will have to think on this later now the world can do with one less bloodsucker. She got away from me once but, not again.

I tensed my mucsles to give chase. Seeing the minute movement the redhead spun around and disappered into the trees, I gave chase. She's still fast, but my eagle form will be faster. Using my hindlegs, and making sure to keep red, that's my new nickname for her in sight, I jumped into the air and transformed into the eagle. My wings flapped powerfully and I easily caught up to the redhead.

In the distance a howl rose, a half dozen pawsteps pounded towards red. Huge wolves as big as me jumped out of the ferns. This is a new development.

What if I fall, Just get back up again(A Twilight Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now