You are probably wondering why my mum was in hospital. Firstly let me say it's not a physical illness, yes my mum's 'gone'. I don't like the word crazy to be used when talking about mental health. She's not gone in the sense that she's you're stereotypical, cartoon, off-your-rocker, she's gone in the sense of, it takes over, and when it did. It's not my mum, like something took over her.
"Border-line personality disorder. - a serious mental illness that centres on the inability to manage emotions effectively. The disorder occurs in the context of relationships: sometimes all relationships are affected, sometimes only one."
That's what Google says. It affects everyone in different ways, my mum described it as "The place that they put you when they don't know what's wrong." Cause, every time she went in, different drugs different doses different everything! She was like a guinea pig in a lab.So far there's been two suicide scares, one where she wrote her suicide note and the other where she took an overdose, accidentally or on purpose is unknown. It's scary, seeing her like that. When I went to school, I was called immature and childish, when really I dealt with more adult things than they every would.
I don't tell many, people don't like the thought of mental health. A good portion think it doesn't even exist! I didn't get much help when I asked at school, after all. It wasn't like it was a big deal...
Thanks for still reading, 😆, I know I haven't updated in ages! 😥, Anyway, I just wanted to give you a bit off back story and notify you that lots of the stuff in this story actually happened. All names and dates have been made up and other things have been slightly reordered, but it was just to say if you could just keep that in mind (😉and be careful when shipping characters!) Bye!😃
How Not to Survive High School
RandomHigh school, a necessary horror. Well, not if your popular, of course, or if your the class clown, of course, and not if your smart, (maybe that's just my class). But when being, nerdy, different, weird, step lightly, these will be the worse years o...