Wolf Meets the vampire diaries

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Wolf-(F)-alpha wolf has join Wolf online
Wolf: hello
king-male-werewolf has join wolf online.
king: *....?*
Wolf: "say 123 for a Female alpha mate or a sister"
Werewolf-male-alpha wolf has join wolf online.
Werewolf: "123 for a sister"
Wolf: "ok howl"
Werewolf is howling for pack
Wolf: "hi "
Werewolf: "hi sister "
Wolf: "so are you the oldest or me"
Werewolf: "I am the oldest"
Wolf: "ok "
King: *hello love*
Wolf: "hi cuteing"
King: *hey love do you have Facebook?*
Wolf: "yes"
King: *ok good meet me am ok love*
Wolf: "ok"

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