Badgermole- hotter than fire

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Since the ferries weren't running to Airbender Island, they were forced to find their own transportation.  As it happened, Da Li had an old boat down by the bay, but when they got there, it was covered n very thorny vines.  Without hesitation, Da Li set to work pulling them off.  At first, Kari didn't notice it, but Da Li had covered her hands in a layer of rock, like a glove.

"Da Li...." she muttered under her breath. "I know I've heard that name before...Da Li, where'd you learn to do that???" 

"It's a family technique.  Why, you know it?"

"I know more than that, I think I battled you ancestors about parents having a sense of know the Da Li were like the ancient mafia of Ba Sing Se?" 

"yeah, actually, some of them reformed themselves and settled down.  The Da Li bending techniques were passed down the generations."

"Oh, well, then...I'll try not to catch you on a bad day."

They sped along in the boat towards airbender island and Kari introduced her new friends to Pema, who offered some sugar dumplings as they headed back to the room which had been set up for her since her departure earlier that day.  Her trunk had been moved to the foot of the bed she had woken up in and she invited her friends to take a seat.  As they sat on her bed Kari began rifling through the trunk and unloaded some things onto the bed with them.  Her full firenation guard uniform clanked onto the bed with a large thud, drawing more gasps and awe from her companions. Finally, she pulled out a top made of smooth satin in a deep red.

All in all it was a belly shirt but the top of it entity covered her chest and ended in a clasp at the back of the neck.  

"Wow, that's so cute!! I bet you caught all the firenation guys back then."

"Never the ones I wanted to.  Notice the legends never say anything about me leaving a husband behind,"

"Oh, you got a second chance right?"

"Da Li!"

"What?!?  I'm just saying she looks pretty good for a senior citizen!"

"Hey-!" Defended Salma

"'s flamin'...I look good for a senior citizen.  Come to think of it, it's been a while since I've really enjoyed myself at a party, but I' don't think I have anything modern to match this top..."

Yichan stepped in.  "Well, you got the gold.  Let's go shopping!!!"

They quickly departed, Kari still wary getting onto the speedboat.  They ran to the shopping district and had a good time finding anything and everything they needed to make new outfits.  Salma made a quick stop back home to grab her outfit, which was a gift from her family when she moved out, so she could still go out for fun sometimes and have something nive to wear and still be safe to use her bending. 

Da Li purchased a new outfit first, making off with a new pair of heels and some makeup discounted because she found a flaw in the fabric, leave it to her to notice detail that closely.

Yichan cozied up to a store clerk who discounted a fine satin dress for her, only for another clerk to buy it for her along with a nice hairpiece.  She left with a wink, inviting the both of them to find her at the Badgermole later that nice for a dance.

Kari finished her shopping by trying several skirts and pants on and modeling before she finally decided on one and slammed the money down on the counter for her purchase without ceremoney.  before her new friends roped her into a boutique for hair and makeup.

A few hours later they made their entrance at the Badgermole.  The music was pumping and the cameras flashed as they passed through the swinging doors.  Salma sported an earth toned tube top with smooth pants  that were cut on the sides from mid-calf to mid-thigh and roomy for dancing finishing off with some nice flats.  Da Li carried herself well in a tight boddess with decorative shoulder pads and forearm wraps with puffy pants and her new heels.  Yichan rocked a flowing pink cocktail dress to compliment her fair hair, which was swept to one side and pinned up with her gold hairpiece.  Behind the pack but by no means timid was Kari who entered in her belly-top with a loose, medium length red skirt over a pair of darker red pooffy pants.  Her wrists decorated with gold hoops and her hair pinned up in a gold headpiece like one used by the firenation royal family- a lavish gift found in her trunk.

Tahno had already been there waiting and shmoosing with the reporters and other notable people who showed up for the food, drink, and atmosphere.  He casually looked up from his conversation and drink mid-sentence and visably raised his eyebrows as he sized the ladies up.

"You sure know how to throw a party," Salma complimented.

"Well, when you know a guy who knows some people...pretty soon everyone knows there's a party.  Though i suppose most people are just here for the food."

"wait, so let me get this planned all this???" He threw his arms out in a graceful gesture.

"All, for you, dearie!"  He put an arm behind kari's shoulder and guided her toward the bar.  He tilted his head back to the other girls.  "Go enjoy yourselves, it's our night." and they went to go dance.  Yichan found both clerks and danced with them in turn.  Salma and Da Li danced with each other as friends and as part of the crowd, shaking hands and chatting with everyone who came to check out the new bending team.  Tahno sat kari and himself down at a pair of stools by the bar.  A dark haired woman in a purple dress walked up, still cleaning a glass.

"Ah, Mai-Ya.  I'll take a Moon Spirit ale and an Agni Kai for my lady friend,"  the bartender slammed the glass down and got down on eye level with him,

"Sorry, you still haven't picked up your tab yet, and you're a drunk.  You'll run off my customers again!"

"but-" Kari placed a few gold coins on the counter.

"perhaps, my money is good...?"  Mai-Ya took the money and left to fill the drinks.

"You really need to stop doing that,"


"Paying my debts.  It's a little embarassing,"

"how much money do you owe anyway?" She asked  a little too rudely.  He chuckled and shook his head.

"enough to be paid off if we win a few games," the drinks arrived.

"So you're only in this for the money..." She said taking a sip from her drink candadly. he looked up, shocked

"of course not!  I love to compete!  I love competing even more with my bending."  She put her drink down. and got up onto the dance floor and called back to him.

"You know, I only plan on competing with you if I can win!"

He watch her dance and light up the dancefloor for a while before her worked up the courage to get up off his stool.  He put his finished glass on the counter next to her half drunk one.  He took her drink and shot it down his throat and shook his head.  It had an unexpected kick.  He finally popped his collar and strode out to meet his partner on the dancefloor and the crowds parted.  Cameras flashed, reporters scribbled. 

Their dance looked more like graceful combat where no one actually attacked.  Eyes flashed at each other as they heard the music climaxing for the finale and they synchronized their moves to end in a turn and dip.  The crowds cheered as they held their pose, both of them panting and excited.  He pulled her back up to stand next to him and they smiled and waved at the crowds of people and flashing cameras.  While stile smileing and waving he leaned in close and whispered in her ear just over the roar of the crowds.

"I'll never let you lose"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2013 ⏰

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