chapter one

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I woke up from my sleep dreading to go to work. Realizing that I actually have an off day today, I grab my phone to call Dina, my best friend. I met her at a birthday party when I thought she was abnormal due to the fact that she didn't talked to anyone and just sat at one place but thank god I got to know her because she's helped me through so much.

"mornin" I said in a scratchy tone.

"Why are you up so early? Don't you have off today?"

"Yup, realised that after my alarm went off. Convenient right?"

"Haha, so what do you wanna do today? The carnival is in town, wanna crash there?"

"Nah not in the mood today. How about we just go out for coffee and then walk it out in the park?" Dina and I would have so much walking in the park even though it wouldn't seem as fun. I don't know, she just makes things fun because two wrongs make a right. Right?

"aight. Starbucks?" Dina says with a little doubt in her tone knowing my response.

"Gross. How about dunkin?"

"Okay fine but you're paying."

"okay meet you there. Bye."

After hanging up the phone I run to the bathroom to wash up. It felt nice to finally take a shower in the morning and just letting the cool water run down my back while taking my time not having to worry about anyone banging on my door yelling at me to hurry the hell up.

Yes, I live alone in a small apartment in Brooklyn, New York. My parents have passed at different times. My father passed from heart failure and my mother passed from vein problems which lead to heart failure. My older sister is married and lives in Scotland and wants absolutely nothing to do with me or my life. Which is exactly why she chose Scotland so that she is far from me. We had a rough history but I'm okay now.

But I wouldn't trade in this place for anything. I love the city because that's what I grew up to. Traffic jams, loud cars, and compact places with buildings and skyscrapers everywhere.

After washing up I quickly changed my clothes into a black and white striped shirt with maroon jeans with my hair down. I don't really do many fancy hairstyles, I usually just wing it with a bun to keep my hair out of my face or just comb it down.

I made breakfast. Just a simple peanut butter and banana sandwich would do the trick. I grabbed my cardigan and walked out the door. I searched for Dina outside. None of us had a car so our main transportation was just walking. And it was so fun because when we would walk it would feel like two seconds because the entire time would just be laugh attacks and dumb moments of deep convos.

"Karina!!" I heard Dina yell. I turned my head to the direction I heard my name from. "It's about time you come outside, I kept calling you like an idiot." Dina was walking toward me and she had a little annoyance in her voice but playfully as she spoke.

"Really? Sorry didn't hear it." I smiled at Dina who rolled her eyes knowing I was lying because I made it obvious.
We started walking and we laughed our way there.

"Hi, welcome to Dunkin, how can I help you?" Wow, I can tell the cashier would love to quit anytime soon.

"I'll just have a medium iced coffee dark roast with cream and sugar." Dina looked at me like I was insane.
"What? Look, not everyone is on a diet you know." She chuckled at my words as I nudged at her elbow summoning her to tell the cashier her order.

"Uh I'll have a small mint frozen hot chocolate." (A.N// ITS ACTUALLY REALLY GOOD U GUYS NEED TO TRY IT. Wait idk if they have it still.) I gave her the same look she gave me after I gave my order.
"What? Not everybody is on a diet you know." She mocked my words.

"Okay, that'll be $8.03." I took out my card and gave it the cashier. "Your order will be ready in a bit."

"Thank you." Dina and I found a table to sit at.

"Oh my god Karina." Dina said looking right at me.
"What?" I replied with my eyes still at my phone while I was using it.

"They have apple fritters here now!!" She said excitingly. I looked up at her to see her excitement.


"Your just gonna brush it off like that? Do you know how holy this is?"

"uh. yeah I guess." Her tinted blue eyes widened in shock at me as her eyebrows raised with her eyes. It was like she just heard something she definitely was not supposed to hear.

"I'm so getting one. How did I not see this before? You want one?"

"No. I'm not a fat one like you, damn." I joked around and she kicked me under the table.

"you're no fun." I rolled my eyes at her.

"Well I'm sorry if I wanna lie a long and healthy life."

"Ok this is coming from the girl who literally devoured a whole box of mini cupcakes the other day."

"Hey it was a cheat day." I defended myself.

"And do t forget about those two snickers bar you ate yesterday." She pointed out.

"Well how do you expect me to not eat snickers bars when they're just lying in front of me. That's like putting water in front of a really thirsty person and expecting them not to drink it." She rolled her eye at me.

"Well I'm getting one and I'll eat it in front of your face."

"I don't even like apple fritters." I came with a comeback. Smooth.

"okay fine." One Direction began to play on the radio and Dina and I silently jammed out to it trying so hard not to attract attention but failed as usual.

"Oh my god."

"What is it now Dina?" Dina held her gaze with me.

"He's staring." She smiled as she spoke.

I furrowed my eyebrows. "What, who? "

She chuckled lightly. "There's a really good looking guy at the other table, and he's literally staring at you while smiling, I think he has a crush on you." She stuck her face out to seem childish.
I turned my head into that direction. I saw a man who was short with dark curls and light skin that glowed. He had dark eyebrows and a smirk planted on his face with his pink lips. With him, was a tall skinny man, with blondish hair on the top of his head. They both looked Arab and must I admit, they are good looking.

"Oh. Well we should go because you know me with attention and we're running out of time. How about that walk in the park." I said in a normal voice.

"Karina, it's 11:30 in the morning, what are you doing?"

"Let's go." Once with a stern voice, she listened. We left the place heading towards the park.




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Instagram: sabreenawho

Twitter: @whoisadamsaleh

it lead to a lot  // adam saleh ffWhere stories live. Discover now