Chapter 6: Scopes

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I just want to appologize for taking so long to publish a new chapter. All of my AP courses are tying me down, giving me no time to write. Thank you all for your support and just know that I am doing everything I can to continue this book as quickly as possible.



Sergeant Major Jason Lester, also known as "Scopes" to his men, sat stiller than the idle sun directly above, shining heavily down on him. A gun, an M40 sniper rifle, rested on its bi-pod between his hands. He was a Ranger, one of the Army's finest. Beside him lay his spotter, First Sergeant Aiden Moger. The two were in the prone position, concealed underneath the tall dry grass around them. In front of them was a steep drop, they were on a large hill. The hill overlooked a small insurgent camp. The camp was located inside of the gates of a city, one of which would soon be liberated from the evil it housed.

"What do you got?" Scopes asked his spotter. Aiden looked into the fifteen times magnified sight to get a closer look into the town.

"Several watchmen, up on the roofs. I got eyes on one sniper. He's just right of the gate up in the guard tower." Lester looked through his eight times scope and saw the turban wrapped sniper. He held an SVD.

"I see him. what else do you have?" He didn't take his sight off of the sniper.

"One, two, three mortar emplacements. They're packing some serious firepower Sergeant Major." Scopes nodded. Moger looked at him. "Sir?"

"Let the marines know we are in position."

"Indigo this is shooter two, we are in position. We have confirmation of three mortar emplacements inside the camp." He talked into his radio. The radio replied with the CO of the incoming marines.

"Affirmative shooter, ETA two minutes. Other teams reported the same thing, it looks like we've hit a mortar hive." Moger looked at scopes.

"So sir, do you have any family in the service?" Scopes looked out of his scope and met his spotter's gaze.

"Not alive. You?" The two hadn't gotten to know each other very well because they were recently paired up as partners.

"I have an older brother. He taught me everything I know." Scopes nodded. The talk would make the time go quicker until the marines arrived.

"What branch?"

"Navy, he's a SEAL sir." Scopes nodded impressed. "Yeah, officer too. I would never have the patience to become an officer."

"Well it's a good thing you didn't first sergeant. Becoming an officer is a waste of time. I would much rather be here as I am now.. And between you and me, officers are soft." Moger chuckled. He was young, but smart as well. Scopes was pushing the age of thirty five, in fact, his birthday was in two days. He wanted to be able to kill something close to his birthday and this mission had provided that opportunity.

Scopes was an expert marksman, he had been shooting most of his life. The first time he held a rifle was merely at the age of six when his uncle would take him out to the woods and teach him how to hunt. Lester was a traditional style red neck back home. He hunted, mudded, loved to party, and loved to drink. By the age of eighteen he was the best shot out of anyone he knew. One day in the woods his uncle had been in a tree stand with him.

"See that bird? That's one of them sparrows. Hard birds to hit, they move too fast and they're too small." Lester looked at the sky to see the little grey bird wisp around in the air above the tree line. The bird was a good several hundred feet away. He grabbed his rifle and his uncle laughed, "Boy, you may be a good shot but you ain't that good." Lester aimed down the sight to get a better look at the small bird. It was grey with little white patterns on its wings that reflected the sunlight. The bird dove and turned with incredible agility. Lester waited until its flight path became more predictable, soon the bird was flying in one direction. Lester led the small bird greatly, held his breath, and squeezed the trigger of his hunting rifle. His uncle's mouth dropped in amazement as the little black speck in the sky dropped to the ground. When the two approached the bird they saw that the bullet has hit the bird in its torso, tearing it to shreds. Scopes had been training his skills to perfection since.

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