We don't believe what's on tv

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Believe: accept that (something) is true, especially without proof.

"I don't care what's in your hair, I just wanna know what's on your mind".

Harry got out his phone during his last period and smiled immediately, Louis had send him a couple thousand texts, telling him how lovely he was.

"Hey pretty boy, just want to remind you of how lovely you are".

"Can't stop thinking about you"

"You're coming over today right?"

"You're probably in class but just wanted to let you know that you're the prettiest"

Harry hid his blush, messages like these were filling up his inbox.

"Class is almost over, I'll be there in about half an hour".  He texted back.

He started taking notes again but his mind was occupied by a certain boy, the bell finally rang and he ran out.

Louis was there on the parking lot, leaning against his car and smiling. Harry thought he looked hot as hell. He skipped over and gave Louis a small smile.

"Get in, come on", Louis said with a laugh

Harry got in and looked at Louis.

"What's it?" He asked.

"I-can we talk?" Harry stuttered.

Louis looked at him. "Uh sure, what about?"

Harry felt his heart racing, "what are we?" He asked.

"Humans, atoms, living beings? What do you mean?" He answered.

Harry sighed. "This, us, what is this?"

Louis stayed quiet for a while. "I don't know", he finally answered.

"You don't know?" Asked Harry in utter disbelief.

"No, I don't know".

Harry opened the car door and got out, as he started walking away he heard Louis yelling for him to come back. He ignored him and kept walking. Suddenly he felt 2 strong arms wrapped around his waist. "Let me go!" He yelled. Louis turned him around and held him up against the wall.

"What's your problem, why did you run away like that?"

"You act like this means nothing to you", answered Harry while trying to get back on the ground.

Louis shook his head. "I just don't know how to feel about all of this, I mean, normally I like girls and I go out with girls and kiss girls". Harry hung his head low. "But then there's you and you're just so sweet and soft and I want to cuddle you and kiss you and take care of you". Harry looked up with those innocent and big bambi eyes.

"Are you scared?" He asked, cupping Louis' cheek. Louis nodded and Harry frowned. "Of what?"

"Just", Louis started, "everything, I'm not used to this and I'm afraid that I won't be good enough because I've never dated a boy before and I'm scared of what people will think of me and-" Harry stopped him.

"You'll always be good enough, Jesus Louis I was obsessed with you", Louis smiled at that. "And you shouldn't care about what other people think of you, you're you, and you're allowed to live your life the way you want to". He said quietly. "And just so you know, I really want to kiss you right now".

Louis leaned forward and connected their lips, Harry smiled into the kiss and held on to Louis. All too soon they pulled away from each other.

"I should get you home", said Louis, setting the boy back onto the ground. Harry nodded and looked down to where their hands were. He inched his hand closer and hoped Louis would get the hint. Louis slowly laced their fingers together and Harry couldn't contain his smile anymore. Louis looked at him and kissed his cheek. "You're adorable".

Harry blushed and looked up at Louis who started walking back towards the car. Louis drove back to where he lived, slowly moving his hand to where Harrys' was and lacing their fingers together. Harry smiled softly and played with Louis' fingers. He kissed Louis' cheek when they arrived and got inside.

"Are you gonna tell people in school".

Louis tensed up and looked away.

"It's okay if you don't want to, I just wanted to know", said Harry after seeing Louis' reaction.

Louis frowned, "I'm just not ready yet, I mean, I barely even know what I am". Harry nodded and sat down on his lap.

"That's okay, I don't mind".

Louis smiled and tucked a stray curl behind Harrys ear before placing a soft kiss on his lips. "I was wondering", Harry looked up, "if I could maybe take you out on a date Saturday, just to make this official". Harry smiled the biggest smile Louis had ever seen and nodded immediately.

"Yes, yes please". He said and kissed Louis quickly.

Louis grinned and held the boy tight. "Alright, I already have something in mind".

Harry just looked at Louis. He still couldn't believe any of this was actually happening. Louis' hands went from his hips to his lower back, they stayed there. Harry grinned and pecked Louis' lips. He liked how close they were.

"Do you want to eat dinner here? I mean I don't know if your parents expect you to be home but do you want to?" Harry asked after a while.

"Yea, that'd be nice". He answered.

Harry jumped up and ran to the kitchen, it had been awhile since he ate proper dinner with someone, usually he was all alone. His parents were business people and were away a lot. Harry used to have a nanny but when he turned 15, his parents decided he was old enough to sit alone. What they didn't know of course, was that Harry was quite literally alone. The only friend he had was Louise. But now he had Louis, and he couldn't be happier.

He got out everything he needed and started cooking. Louis looked at him from where he was seated.

"Where'd you learn to cook like that?" He asked, he couldn't even make toast properly.

"My old nanny taught me". Harry answered, smiling at the memories.

After a while, dinner was ready and they were both sitting on the couch with a plate in their laps.

"How mad would your parents be if I spilled on this couch".

Harry almost got a panic attack hearing those words "don't you dare, oh my god don't tell me you did".

Louis chuckled and shook his head. "Just wondering".

Harry shook his head and poked his chest. "Mean".

Louis just smiled and grabbed Harry's wrist, pressing a soft kiss to it and pulling him back into his lap.

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