Life symbolizes the years and years of grief and loneliness, knowing that nothing will change. The riff symbolizes the point at which it becomes too much. It's gone on for far too long and you can't bear it anymore. So your mind starts breaking. You witness yourself falling. Psychosis and madness loom in all directions. So alone. So afraid. Nowhere to turn. Nowhere to hide. At this point you know it is your destiny... You have tried to deny it for so long. Tried to say to yourself you are stronger than that. But deep down, you know there is no escape from it. How much can it harm ?
All of us are just pitiful shadows bound in darkness, so, what's the real goal of being that useless and destroying that wonderful world ?
I'm just wondering if more than 5% people in the world have done something useful to the Earth ? Guessing false neh ? So, more than 95% of us are useless, or more than useless, I mean doubtful.A worried Maki.