Two nice old fellows just came to my door soliciting the bible. I could see in his eyes that the one holding the tiny silver book, was a kind man, only doing what he feels is right and sharing what he believes in. I let him talk, and I listened. I could have responded in several ways; I could have told him that I stopped believing in god when I was 10. I could have told him that I'm a lesbian and said, "What do you think of that?" I could have slammed the door in his face after threatening him and his friend. But instead I told him that I appreciate what he's doing-spreading the word of what he believes in. I explained to him that I'm by no means religious and that I have read some of the stories out of curiosity.
He left my front steps with a smile and thanked me for being so open minded, for even being slightly interested in the bible. He mentioned that some people might find some sort of interest and that must mean that there is even a tiny belief in god in that one person. I don't believe in this big man in the sky who happened to plop down a big ol' book of rules for us to live by. But I do believe that we are all here for a reason, and I believe that "god" is your own person....I mean, you are you're own god. You choose the direction that your life is going in, every choice you make should be your own. So why worship something that isn’t really there, when you can worship yourself for all that you've accomplished? I don't know....I'm just rambling now.
He seemed very sad that people were losing faith. He harmed me in no way-mentally or physically. But I do feel good knowing that I could have ruined his day, but instead I chose to be civil. I'm sure he'll have a few doors slammed in his face.