Crush x Reader:'Notes' ~Chapter 1

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Crush x Reader ~ Chapter 1
((Btw: the theme song for these CrushxReader stories is "Oh,Darling"-Plug in Sterio feat. Cady's just a really cute song xD so if you really wanna get into the story listen to it while reading))

You were taking notes in class,just an ordinary school day. You sighed of boredom and set you pencil down leaning back in your chair and massaging your delicate hands, pained from writing so much. It's been 3 weeks since the school year started,you were still getting settled in and still haven't caught up on sleep. You rub your tired eyes and bring your hand to your mouth as you yawn,suddenly you feel eyes on you. You look in a random direction and see [Crush's Name] staring at you.

He quickly turned his head away,you could've sworn you seen a tiny bit of pink along his cheeks as he began to write like crazy. You look at him strangely,then return to your notes as well,a few moments later the bell rang, signaling lunch recess,you pack your things and swing your bag onto your back. You sat there for a moment watching all the students stumble out of class,you look over at [Crush's Name],he was looking at you again,you smiled and he didn't smile back,instead he packed his things quickly and ran out the door,you notice he dropped his paper,you pick it up.

'Hmmm.. [Crush's Name] forgot his notes....' You think as you look the paper over,then you come across a really familiar word... a name? was your name,written nicely in the bottom corner of the paper. You couldn't help but blush a bit, 'what is [Crush's Name] doing writing my name?..' You ask yourself as the corner of your mouth,turned up. Then you shake your head,squeezing your eyes shut. ' must be a different girl,maybe there's some other girl with my name..' You thought as you held the paper delicately in your hand.

You remember you have class with [Crush's Name] next period as well. 'Maybe I'll just give him back his paper then?..' You think to yourself again as you walked out of the door,you hadn't been paying attention and someone bumps into you,they seemed to be in a rush,and they knocked you over,you fell onto your back and the person landed on top of you. You open your eyes slowly and see [Crush's Name],his face was red with embarrassment and so was yours. "I-I I'm so sorry [Your Name],I d-didn't see you there..." He said getting up off of you and standing, dusting himself off,and quickly holding out a hand to help you up. You sat yourself up a little to take his hand,his grip was strong and firm as he pulled you up,but at the same time soft. "N-No! It was my fault,I wasn't paying attention to where I was going.." You say looking down at your feet,your face still red. He picked up the paper you had in your hand that flew out of your grasp when he knocked you over.

You look up at him,"N-no it's my fault and-..." He said as he slowly handed you the paper,as he stared at it wondering what it was. 'This is my paper!!! I must have forgotten it!! I hope she didn't see her name at the bottom!' Your crush thought in his head as he took the paper back quickly after noticing it was his. You had never really talked to him before so it was sorta awkward between you to. "M-my notes!.." He said staring at the paper like he wanted it to burn, 'could he be looking at my name on there?' You thought. " forgot it,so I was going to give it to you next class..." You say looking down again. "Th-thanks..." He says stuffing it in his pocket and scratching the back of his head.

You smile and look up at him again. "No biggy..any time.." You say 'ANY TIME?!! What is that supposed to mean?!! I'm so stupid!!' You thought as you wanted to face palm yourself.
"W-well..I'll see you around then?.." He says stepping back from you a little. "S-sure..." You say as you fiddle your fingers around. He smiles and runs off nervously, you finally release the breath you were holding when he disappeared. 'Phew...that was weird..' You thought as you went out to find your best friend [Friends Name;Girl].

You wander around school looking for [Friends Name;Girl],finally you find her and run up to,her back was facing you,and as you got closer you see she's with someone,a guy....her sigh and reach about 10 feet away from her before turning around and heading to class. 'She seems to be happy with her boyfriend...I don't want to be a third wheel..' You think as you frown,walking towards your next period.

You reach your class and walk in carrying your textbook and having a seat in the back,you flop into the chair sighing and put your bag and textbook on the table. You place your elbows on the table and bury your face in your hands. You had even up late studying for the test you had,and you hadn't really got much sleep. While your eyes were covered you hear the sound of a chair pulling out,like someone was having a seat. You peek through your fingers and see that it's [Crush's Name]. You release your hands from your face and turn away,you start to do your homework,the feeling of you two alone made you get butterflies in your stomach.

You started doing your geometry homework,flipping through the pages of your textbook,once in a while you would look up and see [Crush's Name],he notice he seemed to be upset about something, you heard him growl quietly. 'It must be homework problems...' You thought as you put your pencil down. "Hey what's wrong? you need help?.." You ask nicely,he spun around so fast he almost fell out of the chair,it looked like he didn't even know you were there. "U-uh ..actually yah,could you help me?.." He asks looking up at you and then turning his head back down to his feet.

"Sure, what is it?.." You ask,and he stands up with a paper and walks over to you,taking the seat next to you. "Well I'm stuck on this last question,it doesn't seem to make sense to me.." He says pointing at the question with his pencil. You blush a little knowing that your crush was only a few inches away from you and you screamed in your head. "O-oh..I actually just did was sorta confusing but I got it after a while.." You say grabbing your paper and handing it to him,he takes it and looks over it. " I under stand *face palm*.." He says and gives you back your paper and starts to write down the answer to the question.

You watch him write down everything and he looks up at you and smiles,you smile back. "Thanks [Your Name]" he says and stands up to put his stuff in his bag. "Your welcome.." You say and return to you bookwork. What surprised you was that he didn't just put his things away,he packed them up,and moved to where he was just sitting next to you."do you mind if I sit here?.." He says with a slight pink color on his cheek. "U-um no..not at can sit there.." You say as you move your bag onto your side of the table. "Thanks,I like where I sit,but id rather sit here.." He says taking a seat and looking away. "Oh,why is that?.." You ask curiously,your blush getting a shade darker.

"Well it's better to see the board from here...and...your cool...your not too loud,like the other kids in class.." He says looking right at you laughing a little , his [Crush's Eye Color] eyes staring into your beautiful [Your Eye Color] ones,making you blush even more. Now it was you who turned away,and you looked out the window. "U-uh..thanks.." You say and look back at him,he seemed to be smiling nervously. "S-so...uh...what are you gonna do tomorrow?.." He says,looking at his textbook. "W-well ...I usually baby-sit on Saturdays but I haven't found anyone to baby-sit,so....nothing.." You say thinking of what you could do. " you wanna hang out?..maybe?..with me?.." He says, his voice a little shaky and nervous. You jump back a little and your eyes widen. "I-I...uh..sure.." You say and [Crush's Name] looks shocked as well from your answer.

"R-really?..great! How about a movie at noon?.." He asks and smiles great fully. "Sounds good,can't wait" you say and smile back at him as the bell rings and students walk into the classroom like tired zombies. "Finally it's the last period!!" One of the students yell as they run into class and collapse onto a table. Everyone laughs and the student takes a seat and immediately falls asleep. 'I can't believe [Crush's Name] just..j-just asked me to hang out with him..' You say as you get excited and feel like squealing,you start to take notes,still with butterflies in your stomach since your crush sat next to you. You carry on throughout class taking notes and writing a quick essay, every so often you'd catch [Crush'a Name] on you.

'I wonder if he knows I like him...I wonder if he likes me back...' You think as class continues. You shake the mind out of your thought and think about class.

Crush x Reader:'Notes' ~Chapter 1Where stories live. Discover now