Crush x Reader - 'Walk Home'~ Chapter 2

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Crush x Reader - 'Walk Home' ~Chapter 2
After a crazy long and awkward class lesson, the bell rang and the teacher dismisses class. Students scream and run out of the classroom, it was Friday and school was over now. Our weekend had begun finally! And tomorrow you would go an a da- ... You would hang out with [Crush's Name].

For some reason you were excited and couldn't wait, but at the same time you were to nervous and hoped he'd cancel or that something came up. You pack your things and stand up, your crush doing the same, and he stands there smiling while he waited for you kindly.

You both walk over to the teacher and hand him your notes, [Crush's Name] followed behind you and you walked into the hallway, and turn around a bit to wave and say bye to your crush. "Bye [Crush's Name], I'll see ya tomorrow.." You say and wave, turning back to the direction you were walking and walking away.

"W-wait!.. Uh [Your Name]?...can I walk you home?.." He says, his face slightly colored with pink patches on his cheeks. You blush as well "u-uh... sure..." You say and smile, he walks beside you and you both exit the school. "Alright then" he says and he smiles back at you.

It was an awkward and silent way home, you didn't know what to say, but you thought it was sweet when [Crush's Name] tried to make conversation. "S-so...uh what movie do you wanna see tomorrow?.." He asks sweetly and he looked at you. "Hmmm... Well I sorta wanted to see [Movie Name]..." You say smiling at him and looking up at the sky after.

"That sounds great! I wanted to see that too!..." He says and looks up at the sky to see where your gaze traveled. You both stared at a dark cloud that hovered over you two. "U-uh it looks like it's gonna rain..." He says and you feel a drop on your cheek and you wipe it away. "I think it already is.." And as those words slipped out of your mouth, the rain started pouring down.

[Crush's Name] takes his jacket off quickly and you wonder what he's doing, "here you go.." He says and smiles at you holding out his jacket. "Oh no!..really you don't have to, I'm fine.." You say and before he replied he wrapped his jacket around both of you, making you get closer to him.

"No really, I insist..I don't want you to catch a cold.." He says smiling and you smile back your face red with a blush. You two walk quickly, [Crush's Name] still holding his big jacket over and around both of you. But the rain became unbearable and you knew you both had to stop somewhere.

"Hey why don't we sit there and wait it out?.." You say pointing to a bench under a tree that was completely dry. "Uh sure.." He says and you get out from under his jacket and walk over to the bench, water droplets collecting in your eyelashes.

[Crush's Name] followed behind you and took a seat next to you, the bench was small but there still would've been a space between you two,but instead he closed that space and sat directly next to you, making you blush a little again.

You shivered a little and your crush noticed. "I'm sorry that my jacket is soaked, I would give it to you but it would only make you colder..." He looks at you with worry. "N-no...I-I'm alright..." You say quietly as your teeth chattered. "Aw man I'm sorry.." He says, a little angry at himself and he wraps his arms around you. "W-what a-are you d-doing?..." You say as you start to feel warmer nuzzled against [Crush's Name]'s chest.

"I'm trying to keep you warm silly..." He says chuckling a little, his chin rested on your head and you slowly hugged him back. The sky cleared up and the sun shown through the clouds. You sneezed and coughed, you might be getting sick. Your crush released you from his hug and pushed your bangs out of your face, tucking it behind your ear as he looks at you.

"Sounds like your getting sick..." He says teasing a little and laughing.
He grabs your hand and stands up, you almost fell back down. "Ugh...I feel weak.." You say grabbing your forehead. Suddenly before you could even take in what was happening [Crush's Name] picked you up bridal style and held you in his arms.

"It's alright [Name], I'll carry you home..your already sick..." He says and smiles down at you, he picks up both your bags and sling it onto his back. "N-No..I-I can walk..." You say struggling to get out of his hold, sure you liked him and wanted to stay in his arms but you felt bad for him already carrying his bags and things.

He ignores your struggle and holds you closer,his grip on you was firm and it felt like he didn't want to let you go. " shouldn't walk,your not feeling well.." He says and starts to walk down the street. You couldn't really reply because his words were more like an order. So you just smiled back at him and snuggled up against his chest.

You couldn't believe what was happening, first of all you didn't think he knew you existed and now he's holding you in his arms. Your mind went bezurk, as you snuggled against his chest you could feel his chest moving slowly as he breathed, and you could feel his heart beating calmly, you could also....smell him, his scent was memorizing, clean and a slight musky aroma.

You closed your eyes and drifted to sleep in his arms comfortably, you felt protected and safe, and you couldn't really help falling asleep, you were getting sick! He smiled down at you and chuckled a little. As you slowly fell asleep you heard him whisper something to himself,something you weren't meant to hear, but you heard it anyways. "She's so cute when she's sleeping....I love her..." But before you could do anything your body took over and trapped you in deep sleep, not allowing you to speak or move.

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