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"Avada Kedavra!" Pettigrew cast an unforgivable curse at me

I cast the disarming spell at the same moment. A golden semi-circumference surrounded us. Priori Incantatem. Suddenly a figure came out from Pettigrew's wand and another following that one until there were five of them.

The ghosts dived to Peter and he got distracted. He dropped his wand and I put my wand to his neck.

"You won't kill me, James," he said "I was your father's friend! He would have had mercy!"

"Sorry, Peter. I'm not going to believe your begs for mercy" I told him "Reducto!" He flew to a wall and hit his back

He slid down to the floor unconscious. Hermione had just finished dueling with the Death Eater. We saw each other and hugged.

"Are you okay?" I asked her, putting a hand on her cheek.

Suddenly the atmosphere took a dark twist. The temperature dropped and everyone stopped fighting. For a moment silence reigned and Voldemort commenced speaking. He had requested Harry to go to the Forbidden Forest to confront him.

I looked at Hermione and she looked at me. We had the same thought.


Hermione and I sprinted around the castle looking for Harry. We saw him going to the docks.

"You go with him," I told Hermione and kissed her.

"Ron!" She called for him and motioned him to follow her.

The duet followed Harry to the docks. I walked around the castle, looking at all the damage caused. The rubble from the castle's towers and from the entrance obstructed the path anywhere. I climbed over a pile of rubble into the castle, there were lots of dead. I caught a glimpse of Remus's body beside a woman. Probably Nymphadora Tonks.

I saw Ron's brother, Fred, being mourned by the Weasley family and I approached and comforted them quickly. I kept walking around and saw a ginger girl kneeling over a body. Not ginger like the Weasleys, ginger-like Lily's hair. I approached her and recognized the body. Rodney. My knees buckled as I felt a part of my life vanish, instantly. I was still processing it, Rodney was dead. That fact repeated over and over in my head. I guess I was trying to convince myself and I don't know why. I placed my head in Rodney's chest and cried. My best friend was dead. I couldn't save him. I wiped my tears with my sleeve and looked at Lily whose eyes were flooded.

"Who killed him?" I demanded at her in anger.

"Greyback." She answered sobbing.

I stood up and marched outside and to Hagrid's cabin. I went into the woods and saw Harry standing in a clearing. He had a snitch in his hand and something small in the other. I walked beside him and saw my parents, Sirius and Remus.

"Mom? Dad? Sirius and Remus?" I said intrigued.

"They're ghosts. We can see them because of this" he said and lifted a small, triangle-shaped stone.

"Is that the Resurrection Stone?" I asked him.

He nodded. Harry talked with the ghosts and then I did and we said goodbye.

"Are you ready, brother?" I asked Harry.

"Yes" he answered and we walked into another clearing.


Voldemort faced us and started speaking. As always, he had to say something.

"Harry Potter, the boy who lived," he smiled evilly. "Come to die."

"Avada Kedavra!" He cast the curse and hit Harry.

He flew a few meters back, his body still as a rock. Then Voldemort aimed his wand at me.

"Voldemort," I started. "You might be a great wizard, but you would've been a greater wizard if you were on the light side. We do things out of goodness and love-"

"Avada Kedavra!" He yelled the killing curse for a second time and everything fell pitch black.


I slowly opened my eyes. I saw the sky, it was grey and cloudy. I could hear lots of sets of footsteps, I was being carried. I heard heavy steps behind me. Someone started speaking and I recognized the voice as Voldemort. I abruptly closed my eyes.

"Harry!" I heard Ginny scream, crying.

"James!" Hermione then cried.

Harry was supposedly dead too. I zoned out until I was dropped. I opened my eyes and saw the chaos surrounding me. I stood up and ran as fast as I could to the entrance. I turned left and stuck to the wall. I breathed heavily and someone appeared. I put my wand to the person's throat and realized it was Hermione.

"Hermione!" I said in relief and hugged her tight.

Her eyes were wet, she had been crying. We hugged for a long time until we separated.

"We got a war to finish," I told her and she nodded.

We went our separate ways and I went to the right and saw Harry dueling with Voldemort in the courtyard.

"Harry!" I warned him as I saw a Death Eater about to cast a spell at him "Expelliarmus!"

The Death Eater's wand flew from his hand. He turned and spotted me.

"Potter" he bellowed.

I pointed my wand at him and flicked it. His mask vanished and I saw his face. It was Barty Crouch Jr, Harry told me he once pretended to be Mad-Eye Moody. I saw his tongue lick his lips. His crazy eyes fixed on me and he slowly approached me.

"Stay back!" I warned him, I didn't want to kill him "I'll kill you. Stay back!"

He kept walking to me and took a dagger from his coat's pocket.

"Stay back!" I warned him one last time.

He was in front of me. He raised his dagger and was about to drive it down when I cast the killing curse. A green spark came from the tip of my wand and hit Crouch. His body crumpled on the floor in a strange position.

I turned around and saw Neville slashing at Nagini. The snake was cut in half and dissipated to ashes. Harry noticed that and kept dueling against Voldemort. I was watching the fight between the two of them. The curse Voldemort had cast bounced and hit him. He started dissipating into ashes too, like Nagini. Voldemort was dead.

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