I'd like to think...

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Kind  Brown eyes
And a dimpled smile
I'd like to think there is so much more
Behind those eye-catching features

You're like an iceberg....
Only  part of you of you is shown
I'd like to think...
There is so much hidden
So much known yet unknown

I'd like to think...
There's something there
In between the words you write
And the notes you strum on your guitar

Your words are near
Your thoughts so far
It intrigues me....
Makes me curious at best

I'd like to think...
One day you'll take me with you
And in my presence alone
You'll shout out all your secrets
From my personal rooftop

I'd like to think..
It eats you up
That one day you'll get tired
And in your hazed sleep
You'll admit that you just want to be understood

I'd like to think that...
You're afraid of your weaknesses being known
So you keep it safe within the strings of your guitar
And embellish it with the words of every song you've written

I'd like to think that....
We're not so different
That looking at you
Could be the same as me
Staring at my own reflection

I'm so tired of thinking
So I wrote this poem to let  you know
Sometimes I wonder
What you wonder  about

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