Hi I'm Charlotte but everybody calls me Charlie. Well I like video games,sports ,surfing, skateboarding, playing the guitar and running.I am an orphan and have a pretty rough past but I won't bother you with that shit. oh yeah my bestfriend is Morgan
We adopted a werewolf!!!!
FanfictionHi I'm Charlie and I'm the shape shifting werewolf which means I can change into any animal I like but my real form is a wolf..... Anyway me and my bestie Morgan got adopted by 1D so I guess my adventure starts here
We adopted a werewolf!!!!
Hi I'm Charlotte but everybody calls me Charlie. Well I like video games,sports ,surfing, skateboarding, playing the guitar and running.I am an orphan and have a pretty rough past but I won't bother you with that shit. oh yeah my bestfriend is Morgan