Shopping with the Sister (11)

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Damien and I are currently in the kitchen having a food fight in our massive kitchen. I kept throwing eggs at him and he kept dumping flour and salt on me. I sprayed him with ketchup and mustard which caused him to start chasing me.

After a few minutes of running, he finally caught me. He hugged me from behind and we both started laughing.

Our relationship had gotten closer, but not as intimate as it should be. He's going on a slow pace for my sake which i'm grateful for. He doesn't mind that we can't communicate freely, mindlink was better than nothing.

"Uh oh" He mumbled

'What?' I asked.

'You'll see' He replied.

The elevator dinged bringing our attention over there. When it opens, a gorgeous girl walks out, holding hands with a guy who's trailing behind her.

Before I could get jealous at her beauty, my wolf reassures me. 'Don't worry, they're mates' My wolf commented.

"What the hell happened here?" She gasped when she noticed our mess. Now that I really looked at it, it looked like a little kid on a sugar rush exploded while attempting to cook. Everything was everywhere.

"You know, just baking and stuff" Damien chuckled. I giggled a little too.

She turned her attention towards me. She held her hand out. "Hi! I'm Melissa, Damien's awesome sister"

I smiled back and shook her hand. "Aren't you going to tell me your name?" She questioned.

'Hi, i'm Valerie' I responded through mindlink.

'Do you talk?' Melissa asked.

'No' I replied staring into her eyes. Instead of the usual pity and disgust expression that I get, her face held a curious expression, but then she quickly covered it up with a happy one.

"Woopsy! I forgot to introduce my mate! Lucas, this is Damien's mate, Valerie and Valerie, this is my mate, Lucas" She spoke.

"Hey" He greeted.

I replied with a smile and a wave.

"Well! Back to buisness, boys need to leave!" Melissa commanded.

"Thank god I can stay because i'm a man!" Damien teased.

"Ha ha. No, but really, you two need to leave" Melissa pushed.

"But why?" Damien whined while nuzzling his face into my neck which caused egg yolk to get in my hair.

"Because, we need girl bonding time and to prepare for the ball" Melissa countered.

'Ball?' I asked.

'It's like a fancy acceptance party for you and your brother and it'll give me a good chance to introduce you to our pack!' Damien exclaimed.

"Yep! Now boys, get out!" Melissa bossed.

She pushed Lucas and Damien into the elevator. Damien gave me a light peck on the cheek before the elevator doors closed.

"So.." Melissa smirked. "Where do we begin?"


Five hours. I've known Melissa for five fucking hours yet I feel like she's my best friend.

But... I also feel like ripping out my hair and making little dolls with it.

She made me go through a makeover and shopping. I'm fine with shopping, I even love it! But, shopping with Mel was torturous. We went to hundreds of stores and we still haven't seen any dresses for the ball.

'Umm.. If you don't mind me asking, aren't we supposed to be gown shopping this seems like a lot of money to spend?'

'Yes, but I just thought that we could also just shop for everything else too. Damien won't mind, he pratically adores you!' She responded with a wink.

'Really?' I asked shocked. The closest we've ever gotten was that kiss he had given me before he left.

'Yes! Honey, I know that you've only known him for like a week or so, but you have him wrapped around your finger!' She giggled.

I smiled. He cared. Damien doesn't even care that I can't talk. He likes me regardless. The way Melissa is talking makes it seem like I have a huge effect on him.

She stopped walking in front of a small shop and turned to face me. 'Okay, this is the dress shop and it has the best ball gowns ever in town! Let's go!'

I followed after Melissa into a cute boutique that held hundreds of ball gowns of all colors and styles. It looked small on the outside, but inside the shop was gigantic.

She led us to the counter where a girl, younger than us, was working.

"Hey Melissa! Who's your friend?" The girl greeted. She sent me a genuine smile which I gladly returned.

"Liz, this is Damien's mate, Valerie and Valerie, this is our closest family friend, Elizabeth" Melissa introduced.

"Hello, well, what do you guys need?" Liz asked.

"Perfect, one-of-a-kind ball gowns for the acceptance ball that's tommorrow-"

'Tommorrow? The ball's tommorrow?!' I asked.

'Yes, but don't worry silly!'

"I have just the thing for you guys. Follow me" Liz responded. She led us to the backroom and into a little storage room that was just filled with boxes. She went and grabbed two boxes. She gave the black box to Melissa and the pink box to me.

"Go try these on" Liz suggested.

Melissa and I went to the dressing rooms to try on our dresses. When I opened the box, I saw a long black gown. It was strapless. I put it on and looked into the mirror. It hugged my chest perfectly and softly went down my body. It reached all the way to the floor. This was the perfect dress. I quickly got out of the dress and was careful not to mess anything up. When I got out, I saw a frowning Melissa.

"You're not going to let me see your dress?" She frowned.

'Sorry, I want to keep it a surprise' I winked. We made our way to the counter so Liz could wrap up the dresses.

When we finished, we got back into the car where our thousands of bags were waiting for us. It took us a long time to get to the mall, it would be a long time until we returned to pack territory.

By the time we got there, it was way past nightfall. Most pack members were sleeping. Melissa and I grabbed our bags and parted ways. I could tell we were both drained to actually say or do anything.

When I reached my floor, I saw Damien standing there looking angry.

"Where have you been?" He asked.

'With your sister, dodo' It's crazy how carefree and open I was with Damien. It wasn't even a week ago when his father tried to kill me.

"That explains the amount of stuff you bought" He chuckled. "I'm surprised you survived, most people don't make it to two hours with her"

'Ha ha' I retorted. Damien grabbed my bags in his hands, yet when I thought he was going to walk away, he turned back around and picked me up bridal-style.

'Woah! Damien, you better not drop me!' I warned. Damien was carrying a lot of shopping bags and me?! How much can he hold.

'Don't worry, I'd never let you go'

I could tell he had double meaning behind his words. I smiled and moved closer to my mate while he carried me like a princess.

"Here we are, Casa De La Princesa Valeria" He smiled when we reached my room. He put the bags in the room and stayed in the hallway with me.

I know it seems weird that we are in different rooms, but this was only temporary. I don't think our wolves could handle the seperation for long. Who knew when my heat would come?

'If i'm a princess, that means I get whatever I want, right?' I asked out of nowhere.

He nodded his head slowly.

'And no one can get mad or disobey me?'

Again, he nodded his head.

'What's this about?' He asked curiously.

'The bill for me shopping with Melissa!' I revealed before kissing him on the cheek and shutting my bedroom door quickly.

"Valerie! How much stuff did you really buy?" He boomed.

'How much do you want to know?' I smirked.

He didn't respond, but I still felt his presence behind the door.

'Goodnight Damien!'

'Sweet dreams, Valerie'


Sorry for late update. Keep your pitchforks down and your torches away! Thank you!

Eeeep! A growing Damien+Valerie Romance.

What would their ship name be?




Ooookay. Next chapter will include the acceptance ball.

Do you guys have any suggestions for songs that would be perfect for the ball?

For all you Dustin Lovers, don't worry, I haven't forgotten about him. He will also have mate issues. It will be revealed the chapter after next.

By the way, a lot of you have been sending me covers for this book and I will go over them today and post them. You guys can create covers for this, a cast for this, and videos for this. Whatever you want.



FAN .__.

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