Chapter 2

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I said my goodbyes to Kam, Ron, Astoria, Harry and Hermione after they all had made sure that I had the invisibility cloak and the extendable bag with me.  Both were tucked into the bottom of my trunk. Don’t want mom or dad to see them just lying on top now, do I? Harry’s uncle was already waiting for him in the parking lot so he had to bolt. Hermione’s Parents were already there, ready to whisk her away. Molly and Arthur were standing with smiles plastered onto their faces as they saw Ron, Kam, Astoria and Ginny approach them. I gave them both a small wave before looking around for my own parents. Neither of which were in sight. I walked the length of the platform, but I still didn’t see them. I then thought that perhaps they were waiting for me out in the station, but I was wrong once more. Where were they?

I sighed and sat on the nearest bench. All of my friends were gone already, and I didn’t see anyone in sight. I did pass my apparition test, so I could’ve just apparated myself. I decided to wait my parents out a tad bit longer before doing just that, but I then saw Draco and Narcissa approaching me from the direction of Platform 9 ¾.

“Courtney, darling,” Narcissa smiled down at me. “Your mother owled me to say that they wouldn’t be able to come and get you, so you are going home with Draco and I. You are also to stay at our house until they come and get you.”

I nodded. “Sounds good.”

My eyes glanced around to Draco, who had a smirk plastered onto his face. I couldn’t help but melt as his grey eyes found mine in the middle of that train station. Too bad I couldn’t just run up to him and kiss him. No, we were given the cards that fate drew us. We just happened to have a bad hand.

“Here,” Draco said when I finally dived for my trunk. “Let me get that for you.”

“You’re being very good to Courtney today, Draco. Did you two work out your troubles at Hogwarts, I hope?” Narcissa looked ecstatic by the idea that we had actually made up.

Draco chuckled. “Something like that.”

“He’s still an asshat though.” It was my turn to smirk back at him.

“Well, at least you two are joking,” Narcissa smiled. “Take my hands, both of you,” she said after looking around. “We have to get home right away.”

I closed my eyes tightly, preparing for the awkward sensation that was apparating. I didn’t like the feeling of being shoved through a rather narrow pipe. Plus, it made my stomach a tad jumbled afterwards. After I was able to apparate without splinching my leg off, I had developed that odd feeling after every time that I apparated, and I hated it. I absolutely despised it, but not as much as I despised the fact that I couldn’t go home right away. What could’ve possibly happened that mom and dad couldn’t come and get me? It must’ve been something bad.

 “Well,” Narcissa was the first one to speak after we had arrived outside the Malfoy Manor. “Courtney, the houselves will come out and get your trunk. Why don’t you come in, and we’ll have a nice spot of tea? Doesn’t that just sound wonderful?”

“It’s sounds-“

“Peachy,” Draco smirked, cutting off my answer to his mother’s question.

I rolled my eyes at him before following his mom through the gate and up the path to the grand house. I tossed a look over my shoulder to see that Draco was watching me walk away. I couldn’t help but blush before turning back, but I could still feel his eyes burning a hole into my back. It was the best feeling in the world.

I slid my shoes off at the door and walked in my stocking feet into the sitting room, where Narcissa had houselves bring in the tea that she had already requested. She was already seated on the armchair, so I had to sit on the love seat where Draco took the seat next to me, when he eventually made it up to the house that is. Narcissa and I just sat in silence, not knowing what to say to each other. It was the first time we had been alone, and I realized that I had never once said a word to that woman. I mean, I was in love with her son, and I couldn’t utter one word to my future mother-in-law. That was a tad sad.

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