Chapter Two

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Well, you only need the light when its running low.

Only miss the sun when it starts to snow.

Only know you love her when you let her go...


Nightmares always find their way to my substantial mind in my sleep. I have no idea why, but they do. Sundays are suppose to be a 'Holy' day. Or at least they were. Before the New Government hit, anyway. Those were the people who started the hellish law of the 'Stamp' thing. Everyone gave up in religion; they thought the New Government was their God. But, they weren't. They're Satan. Telling people who they have to be's just wrong.

Weekends were so boring at the Cane house. If I wasn't going out somewhere with Michelle and Robin; I was sleeping or watching television. My dad works from 9am-9pm and my mom goes grocery shopping basically the whole day. Today was Sunday; however. Sundays are different. Well, for me. Sundays I go and explore. Nature works wonders on my poems. Seeing society and its hellbound ways is unsettling but its inspiration.


"Bye Lola," I say as I grab my camera and notepad. "Bye love," She says returning to her tv show. I drape my camera around my neck and put my pencil behind my ear. I slip my hiking boots on and walk into the bitter air. Making my way to the wood line, I finally see the autumn leaves on the ground. Woods are the only place you can see trees anymore. 

Soon, after a few hours of hiking and a few dozen pictures, I got to my waterfall. I found it when I was 5, while I was following a butterfly with Lola. I took a short cut and ended up at my waterfall. Memorized by the flow of the water, I sat there for hours. Until my parents found me, slumped against a tree, asleep. I told them the water put me to sleep. They said if someone else found me we would've been in big trouble. Back then, I didn't know what she was talking about..

Its funny how simple things as waterfalls and nature are peaceful but once you step into the guarded, cruel world; it turns to hell. You can't even tell the world is even that bad, but it is. You can't get away from it. It literally is a living hell. At least for our family...

I wish my life was normal,

And not controlled.

I want my life to be like,

Everyone else's.




Alrighty, so i know i was late updating (so sorry) and its kinda short and boring but its a filler so...yeah vote and comment love uuuu xx

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